Free Will:The sole motive force of the universe.

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Free Will:The sole motive force of the universe.

Post by Imetheman1 »

Hello to all members. This is my 1st post here.

I am entirely 100% satisfied that I have discovered a model of the universe which represents the theory of everything.

All that interests me is that I will have honoured my own commitment to humanity that what I have discovered should be released into the public domain before I die. I have spent the last 6-7 years up to my eyeballs in quantum mechanics, general relativity and string theory trying to discover any reasons as why the theory could be incorrect. At this juncture, the model represents the sharpest logical edge of Occam's Razor. The theory incorporates the existence of conscious Free Will as being a cosmological constant which applies to both classical physics and quantum theory and represents the cosmological constant which bridges the two colleges .

As such, I now welcome any philosophical argument which illustrates that the model must be incorrect. This communication represents the 1st time that the theory has been presented for critical appraisal. It is an extremely truncated synopsis of the final conclusion of the model, but it is still a fair wee read. In order to discover the theory of everything required me to think the unthinkable. It was the only way that it would ever be achieved. You may have to do so also.
As such most of the fantastical elements of the description of the model are just going to have to be accepted at face value meantime. The big picture of the model only becomes apparent and can only be understood if it is read step by step from beginning to end. If you immediately jump to the end to read the final part, to be confronted with the final most fantastical conclusion of them all straight in your face, may seem so fantastical to you [having not read it through from the beginning] that you may not bother to read it at all. You have been warned.

1. The geometry of the universe is an infinite fractal. Our 4 dimensional reality is a consequence of the fact that the natural rest state of the universe as a whole is one of perfect equilibrium and that this is combined with the fact that the coordinates of the fractal universe are in continual and perpetual motion. In the fractal geometry of the universe the concept of within and without and of relative scale of things by means of comparison have no meaning. However, cause will always precede effect is a universal constant.

2. Our physical universe is but one of an infinite number of separate individual and unique finite physical universes which exist in the fractal universe as a whole. Each individual physical universe begins with it's own particular Big Bang. The Big Bang of any given universe establishes the unique Planck constant and the relative value of the speed of light of that universe. Each and every single individual universe remains separate from all other universes by virtue of the uniqueness of the particular Planck constant [relative speed of light] of that universe. (The Planck constant of any given physical universe is determined by the value of a measurement of distance [as defined by a specific velocity] over a fixed period of 1 Planck second. The Planck second is a universal cosmological constant.) The Planck constant of any given physical universe establishes the relative Planck length -and therefore relative speed of light- of that universe.

3. The smallest possible relative particle of matter in 3-D space of any given universe is represented by a sphere 3 Planck lengths in diameter. However because of the continual and perpetual movement of the coordinates of matter, this sphere is represented over time as being a relative wavelength of 3 Planck lengths in the EM spectrum.

4. The existence of living organisms [which inhabit the surface of those specific planets which exist in 'Goldilocks' orbits around their host star and which is capable of sustaining them] is universal throughout the cosmos. Every living organism which can intentionally move independently in 3 dimensional space is regarded as possessing free will. ( Free will is defined here in the broadest terms as being the initial compulsion for a living organism to intentionally move a part of it's body in 3-D space in response to changes within their immediate physical environment). The instinctive unemotional reaction movements in 3-D space of a single celled organism represents the base level of the definition of self will possessed by any living fauna. The common criteria of all species of fauna is that they can intentionally move independently within 3 -D space over time.

5. Free will is a dimensionless quality. The timeless existence of free will as possessed by every moving living organism is the source of the continual and perpetual movement of the coordinates of all matter in the fractal universe. At every Planck second pulse, the creation of physical reality is continually 1 PS behind the actual movement of the coordinates of matter as caused by the application of free will during the intervening 1PS period of time. The snapping back to the equilibrium rest state of the universe between each 1 PS pulse [as matter is recreated at the new coordinate in 3-D space] is the source of the release of all energy which is extant in the physical universe at any given moment in time. The level of energy created and released during any given 1 PS period of time is equal to the degree of corruption caused to the equilibrium by the movement of matter over the preceding 1 PS period of time and that which is required to rectify the equilibrium rest state of the universe at the new coordinate.

6. In the infinity of separate individual universes which exist in the fractal universe, there exists habitable planets where intelligent civilisations live in perfect global harmony. The living beings who inhabit the surface of these planets can be considered as existing in a version of paradise. It is self evident that such global societies would only be able to exist where sin and religious institutions is universally absent in their society. The certainty of such civilisations existing on a paradise planet in an infinite universe can be compared to the popular analogy of 100 monkeys with access to 100 typewriters for an infinity of time will eventually produce the full works of Shakespeare.

This not to say that a planet continues to be a paradise throughout it's whole lifetime. It is easier to imagine a single occurrence where a particular civilisation in the history of the planet as a whole achieves a golden age of emancipation and equality for all it's population. By contrast, the present global society of this Earth is as far from being a golden age paradise as could be imagined. It could be said that in the recorded history of our planet it would be difficult to imagine any time which could be regarded as a Golden Age. Perhaps the Golden Age of our planet is yet to occur.

7. Just as no 2 snowflakes are ever identical, every celestial body in the cosmos radiates it's own unique spectral thumbprint in the EM spectrum. In the case of habitable planets, the EM spectral thumbprint which it radiates into space includes that of the living organisms which inhabit it's surface. This particular organic EM radiation represents the collective consciousness of the living beings who exist on that planet.

8. The sub-atomic particles of all the elements in the universe obeys the laws of physics and nature. In this respect, all sub-atomic particles of matter at any given moment in time can be considered to be passive and inanimate. As such, the behaviour of sub-atomic particles in 3-D space in classical physics can be considered to be thoroughly predictable over time. The only exception to this universal law [in respect to predictable behaviour of sub-atomic particles over time] are the atoms and molecules which constitute the elements in the cellular tissue of living fauna. Because of the application of the free will of the living animal, the future position and/or momentum of any given coordinate of the body of the organism at any particular future moment in time is entirely unpredictable. Because of the unpredictability of the movement of matter when it is moved by the application of the free will of all fauna, if someone tried to rewind time backward from 1 specific coordinate in space-time [with a view to predicting the specific position of the coordinate in 3 -D space which preceded it 1 PS ago] also remains entirely unpredictable.

With regard to the predictability of the behaviour of sub-atomic particles over time, whenever a living organism - from a single celled microbe to a human being to a blue whale - intentionally moves a part of it's body through the 3-D space which surrounds it, it performs an action which contravenes the normal laws of physics of that which applies to all other inanimate matter ( which by contrast conforms to the laws of nature). Simply by moving in and through 3-D space from Planck moment to moment, every living organism corrupts the rest state equilibrium of the universe.

Contrary to the present status quo version of physical reality, the atoms of the trace elements which can be detected in a human body were not first created in the interiors of ancient stars. The matter of our body is required to be recreated every 1 Planck second at a new coordinate as we move independently through 3-D space.

Every species of fauna which exists in the fractal universe creates an infinity of new physical universes in their wake as they intentionally move through the 3-D space of their immediate environment.

It is self evident that without the ability of a living organism to intentionally move a part or all of their body in a specific direction in 3-D space [ in response to changes in it's immediate environment] that it would have been impossible for any form of animate organism to evolve on any planet – regardless of whether the planet orbits in the 'Goldilocks' region or not. The difference between fauna and flora is that the movement of the latter in 3-D space [ the disruption of the equilibrium] is represented by the body as a whole growing over time in physical size within 3-D space. The profound difference in the case of all fauna is that they can intentionally move independently within the 3-D space which surrounds them.

The impetus to intentionally move in 3-D space by fauna is only possible because it possesses free will. It can be deduced from this that the existence of life and free will are mutually compatible throughout the universe. It is therefore self evident that life and all moving living organisms would not exist without the presence of the free will in the individual organism. The movement created by instinctive neurological reactions of single celled organisms devoid of emotion, represents the base level of free will. Depending on the amount of information and data an organism can absorb regarding it's immediate physical environment, determines the complexity of the free will movements made by the organism at any given moment in time. The horizon of complexity of free will decisions made by any given species in response to changes in it's environment, represents the degree of intelligence attributed to that species.

Without the perpetual movement of the coordinates of 4-D space, there would be no physical universe at all. Furthermore, if the impetus of movement of all fauna is provided only through the application of it's own free will, it can be deduced that all movement in the observable universe can therefore only be caused by the application of free will.

The free will which created our own universe belongs to the living being who made the movement in physical 3-D space which initiated the circumstances required to create the singularity/Big Bang/ new physical universe event in the first place. It is no coincidence that the latest images of the large scale structure of the universe resembles the gossamer like microscopic images of the neurological pathways of the nervous system found in all living tissue. The nervous system we are viewing when we look out into the furthest reaches of the cosmos belongs to the living being who created our universe. The creator is no different from any other of his/her race of fellow beings. He/she has no idea that they create and leave universes in their wake just by moving through space.

The relative 3 dimensional space of the universe in which he/she exists and is moving within, and it's affect on our observable universe, explains the acceleration of the expansion of our own universe. We are observing the mother universe of our creator from the perspective of being an internal constituent sub-atomic particle of the living tissue of him/her.

The living being who created our own observable universe cannot be regarded as being a God. He/ she did not create our own individual free will. Our free will represents the manifestation whilst we are alive in physical form of our own eternal and timeless soul.

The dimensionless and timeless existence of free will which is possessed by every moving living organism represents the individual eternal soul of that living moving organism. Although stars and and planets have a finite existence, the soul exists in an infinite universe. The eternal reincarnation cycle of each individual soul in separate physical existences is equivalent to each individual soul existing in a timeless infinite universe.

At the moment of death of every living being, the wavelength frequency state of their free will at that precise moment [ the only true indication of the type of person they truly are and from which there can be no hiding place for any individual] resonates in harmony with the EM radiation of the collective free will of the civilisation who inhabits the surface of one of the infinity of habitable planets which exist in the infinity of physical universes. The harmonic resonance of your soul at the moment of your death, wholly determines which planet you will next exist on and therefore an expectation of the type of existence you can expect to have during your life on that planet. The usual arguments against the possibility of reincarnation do not apply in an infinite universe.

Your next life is predestined to exist on a particular planet and at a particular time during the history of that planet, by you who lives now.

It is a fact that the EM wavelength frequency radiated by a human being at any given moment in time is influenced by the emotional state of the individual person. Positive emotions such as compassion, respect, tolerance etc radiate at a higher frequency than negative emotions such as anger, hate, cruelty, disrespect, intolerance etc.

What now makes every one of us different from our creator, is in being aware that the state of our free will at the moment of death of our present physical existence determines which type of planet we will next be reincarnated on - and also ultimately the eventual fate of our immortal soul. The realisation that the responsibility for our own soul relies entirely on us as individuals in this life makes every one of us Gods of our own souls.

Every individual person should know that how they live their life from this moment on will determine the ultimate fate of their own soul. If you live your life with a positive outlook, treat your fellow humankind with compassion, respect, dignity and tolerance, the wavelength frequency of your free will soul will resonate with the loving collective consciousness of a civilisation who exist on one of the infinity of paradise planets.

If your soul is reincarnated on a particular paradise planet in your next life, your free will soul of any of your separate physical existences, will forever be reincarnated at the moment of death on to another paradise planet. This cycle of reincarnation is the ultimate definition of your physical body existing in an eternal Heaven.

Every single person who now exists on this planet was a sinner in their previous existence. We know this because our souls were reincarnated within the global society on this planet and at this particular time – and this planet at this particular time is far from being considered as a paradise planet. The chances are that the infinity of existences which your soul has already experienced were spent on planets with global societies similar to that which presently exists on Earth. This situation is far from existing in heaven.

This may very well be a one time only offer for the possibility of your soul to enter heaven. And by 'one time only offer' this may mean for all eternity. For those individuals who are presently in their hearts compassionate, tolerant etc in their day to day dealings with their fellow man/woman regardless of race, religion and creed have nothing to fear. The wavelength frequency of your free will soul at the moment of your death ensures that you will be reincarnated on a paradise planet and that as such will enter Heaven.

For those people who continue to commit mortal sins against their fellow humankind, the planet you next will be reincarnated on will be determined by the depths of the depravity of the mortal sins you presently commit against your fellow man/woman. The level of the depravity of your sinful existence at the moment of your death resonates with the collective consciousness of a planet where such depravity is an accepted norm within their society. Your eternal soul will therefore be forever consigned to be reincarnated on a planet at a moment in it's history when any vestige of humanity, compassion, tolerance etc for your fellow being is entirely absent. The continuous successive infinite cycle of reincarnation of your soul in civilisations where moral depravity in each one of your physical existences is the norm of the society you are born into, represents the ultimate definition of the concept of the eternal damnation of an individual soul to Hell.

The decision regarding how you shall live your life from this moment on and therefore whether your soul shall enter Heaven or Hell at the moment of your death is entirely up to you. No one can decide for you. However it should always be remembered that no person can disguise the wavelength frequency of their own free will soul. Even if you choose to believe that the concept of reincarnation and that your soul can enter Heaven is totally unbelievable, can you afford to believe that it's not true?

If tomorrow every person on the planet chooses to begin treating all other human beings in a manner that we personally would like to be treated ourselves, the change in the wavelength frequency of the global human collective free will consciousness which is radiated from the planet would be immediate. Because free will is a dimensionless quality, our planet would instantaneously be 'registered' as a paradise planet throughout the infinity of the fractal universe.

By creating a paradise on Earth, this generation can ensure that our children and future generations for all time on this planet will be guaranteed entry into heaven also. That will be the legacy that every person who presently lives will leave for posterity. If we can manage to do it, every person who now lives will be given the only justified status of being proclaimed a living God.

It is only at this particular time in the history of our planet that it is now possible through social media that the creation of a paradise on Earth is possible. In order to change the global collective free will consciousness of our planet and create a paradise on this planet will require the majority of the population on the planet to adopt the philosophy of the golden rule in their day to day dealings with their fellow man/woman.

The people who have most to gain in the creation of a paradise on Earth are those who presently feel powerless and abandoned and who have not. The people who have most to lose are those who presently believe that the acquisition of wealth and the accumulation of expensive things is equivalent to the acquisition of respect and importance in the world. Such people are presently in positions of power in government and in industry and are generally regarded as those people who decide how the world works. The present situation which exists on our planet suits these people very well. But the power to change things for the better will always ultimately lie with all of the people of the world – not the 1% who own 99% of all the money in the world.

Judgement day for all of humanity and the Apocalypse and fall of the money changers has been heralded not with trumpeting angels in the clouds, but as a post on Facebook. The creation of a paradise on this planet initiated by the masses through all social media will represent the defining moment that the meek inherited the Earth and that all good people become Gods and enter Heaven.

If you believe that killing other people will get you to heaven, your free will has been brainwashed into believing that this is so. In other words you are pretty messed up.

However the redemption of your soul and the opportunity for your soul to enter Heaven is still possible by virtue of the fact that you still possess your own free will. You can always choose at any given moment to personally not do what you have been brainwashed to do by the application of your own free will. However, if you continue to perpetrate evil through killing innocent people, your free will wavelength frequency at the moment of your death cannot be concealed. Be prepared to meet the souls of those people -who have since died- who brainwashed you into believing that perpetrating such evil against any of your fellow human beings will ensure entry into the man made version of heaven.

The choice is always yours of course. It is no coincidence the fact that the universe would not exist without the presence of free will - and that it is only through the application of free will that a living soul can gain redemption to enable their infinite physical existence to enter Heaven.
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Re: Free Will:The sole motive force of the universe.

Post by -1- »

You put in a lot of thought into your theory, and I must admit, you sound erudite. I still have to pick it apart, despite my best intentions of leaving your satisfaction of having created a working theory intact.
The geometry of the universe is an infinite fractal.
Not at all. Fractals have much more stringent repeatability properties. Where you see fractals, you squint your eyes to the differences, and you focus on the similarities. These fractals are not facts, but the result of a wishful, selectively skewed view.

Calling the structure of the universe an infinite fractal is inaccurate at best, false at normal, and infantile at worst. It is like cherry-picking Bible quotations to prove an agenda, knowing full well that the Bible says directly the opposite things at other parts in itself. You are not quoting the Bible, but you are cherry-picking qualities of structures to convince your readers that the features with similarities are fractals. This, however, is not the true case.
Without the perpetual movement of the coordinates of 4-D space, there would be no physical universe at all.
This would have more punch if you provided a proof for this claim.
The free will which created our own universe belongs to the living being who made the movement in physical 3-D space which initiated the circumstances required to create the singularity/Big Bang/ new physical universe event in the first place.
Your argument seems to rest on the fact that there is a lot of free-willing structures (emotive, pleasure-seeking structures) in the universe. One might consider, however, that for each gram of pleasure seeking substance there are trillions of tons or more each of non-pleasure seeking substances. The significance of the sentient is dwarfed by comparison if you take into account all things that can be considered.
(1) It is no coincidence that the latest images of the large scale structure of the universe resembles the gossamer like microscopic images of the neurological pathways of the nervous system found in all living tissue. (2)The nervous system we are viewing when we look out into the furthest reaches of the cosmos belongs to the living being who created our universe. (3) The creator is no different from any other of his/her race of fellow beings. He/she has no idea that they create and leave universes in their wake just by moving through space.
(1) it is a coincidence.
(2) it is not a nervous system. Your comparison resembles the theories that solar systems are atoms with the suns being the atomic nuclei and the planets, the electrons. Comparative parallels drawn on simplistic observations, dismissing many facts that speak otherwise.
(3) the creator is a myth. ("They was made." "They jist happened." -- conversation between Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn on a starry night, lying on their backs, looking up at the sky.) It may be a correct myth, but it's still just a myth. If it is a correct myth, it is purely by coincidence. We have no proof or even any indication that a creator has played a major role in creating our universe.
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Re: Free Will:The sole motive force of the universe.

Post by Imetheman1 »

The piece is written from the perspective that the reader should assume that the theory and model is valid already. What I wish to enquire is if anyone can suggest or recognise any reason why the model doesn't work.

The reference to the geometry of the universe as a whole as being fractal is because the infinity of the repeating pattern [ in the form of the Mandelbrot Set ] is the nearest analogy I could think of as a representation of the infinite nature of the structure of the universe as a whole.
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