- May 24th, 2024, 6:50 am
An interesting view, Scott.
The thought processes of your mind, I find jaw-dropping
This subject matter is very thought-provoking.
I view time as a tool, a universal mechanism operating in our 4D existence for those who use it to measure specific outcomes relating to their quality of life and survival. Our consciousness operates within this, and I believe we can also be unconscious about everything from one moment to the next.
Consciousness, however, in its entirety, is beyond this and is immeasurable. However, we do experience fragments of the whole ( which we may define for purposes of connection as "here-ness /now-ness/ presence) and connect through these moments with our entire "being."
Perhaps I lean strongly in my own existence towards what this 4D world labels as "mysticism" in my understanding of the matters of time and consciousness as it is out of my experiences, connected with All things and Nothing, I find that the "being" is a state that allows us to experience our conscious energy and this is the divinely infinite experience that can only be communicated in fragments through our words and formulas universally.
The individual aspect of our existence, the ability to exercise choice, is a key that unlocks our limitless potential in our connections and relations and our response to these fragments. This also influences the spectrum of our existence in this reality, sometimes uniquely, sometimes generically, and possibly even outside our 4D experience.
I disagree with the following points to a degree:
[36] Your past is someone else's future. ( my existence can influence someone else's future and, in a way, is a part of my timeless being)
[37] Your future is someone else's past. ( my future can be connected by the essence of the being who existed in this 4D universe, to a degree)
I say this because my dad died two weeks before my birth; my experience of my dad is different from those who experienced him alive, but his existence is the essence of my being to a degree. I live similarly and also differently in my bodysuit, and this limited timeline is designed for me with the choices I make from moment to moment.