Why is everything moving in the universe?

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Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by Glaydon »

People often say: movement is life, but is there at least something in this world that is not moving? I have never been interested in physics or astrophysics, I am more interested in mathematics, but I still know the main points in this direction. This science is fascinating because it examines the foundations of the universe. There are many fascinating hypotheses and assumptions that look deep into the human imagination. However, they are all somewhat similar to each other. Many more people are interested in astrophysics than, for example, mathematics. Because it is more simple and exciting. In order to enjoy a documentary about stars shot from satellites and probes, you do not need to be highly qualified. And, I'm not trying to belittle the merits of scientists working in this direction. I know that they have to not only fantasize, but also do many different calculations. I must admit that I am upset to listen to such stupid terms like "Dark Matter" that they came up with just to justify some inexplicable fact. I am really scared by this huge com of lies, in all spheres of human activity, which only grows over time. Scientists justify their lies with technological progress and unwillingness to acknowledge their work in vain. But how appropriate are these excuses in the modern world? Take the bull by the horns. I have my own view of what is happening. But, you need to be realistic. Nobody will pay attention to you until they see financial gain in it. To begin with, I'm not crazy. I do not know English and write through a translator. I am not an adherent of flat earth and other nonsense. My assumptions, or I would even say statements, are fully explained mathematically. It is a pity that today I am forced to do this only in philosophical forums. Now, I have reached a certain point in cognition, and I am going to present it in the form of a short article. And later, I want to prove my words in practice. Fortunately, age allows. We will call this of the "Tetraedal matrix." theory. The first rule of the "Tetraedal matrix" says "nothing is impossible in the world." The second rule says “any event occurs with a probability of 50 to 50%”. And this will immediately push away people with conservative views. Moreover, in the framework of this article, I am not going to explain these rules. Just serving it as truth. And, if you are not ready to allow this, it is your right. I do not expect scientists to pay attention to this, therefore I will try to convey my thoughts in simple words to a larger mass of people. We omit all sorts of abstruse words, such as bosons, neutrons, quasars, and we will only appear on relative scales. You will not need any in-depth knowledge to understand this, except for banal logic. We look at the world through the eyes of a child. Absolutely neutral and unbiased. From zero, we draw the concept of understanding and the coordinate system. Without sharing anything. It would be ideal to write a book on this theory, but to begin with, it would be more correct to arouse interest in people.

I don’t want to stir up the past, and talk about what happened before the big bang, and whether it was at all (simply because it is a big separate topic). Focus on the present, on how the universe behaves today. No digressions and nothing more. Today we all observe this picture: At large distances, galaxies expand in space, rushing into the void. And at close distances, on the contrary, stars and planets are attracted to each other. At very close distances, quantum distances, objects are teleported. Even this phenomenon, as it should, no one can explain. On it we will stop. Among all theories, the most popular is the general theory of relativity, valid on a large scale. Quantum field theory, for small scales and string theory, combining these two theories. All of them have common shortcomings, and the main one is a fundamental idea of reality. I call this the error of "separation." Our animal perception, we constantly want to share and sort everything. In this variety of surrounding objects is the charm of life. But, feelings and emotions should not be projected onto an understanding of existence. Once upon a time, I also tried to understand how big our universe can be. And, you will laugh, but I found the answer to this question. First, the universe is not measured at all in scales, but in the diversity represented in it. Secondly, this variety is only 2 ^ 17. This is what exists at a fixed point in time. Imagine all the different sounds, colors, smells and objects. All this consists of infinitely combining 131,072 elements of the sequence, which, subsequently generate new, repeating sequences to infinity. The world can be divided into finite, (immobilized, without repetition), and infinite (in motion, with the repetition of existing combinations).

How to determine the movement? Very simple. These are not individual particles flying in another medium. This is a vector. Just lines that do not have thickness, height, color, and any other characteristics other than relative length. Only 2 characteristics are described: positive and negative direction. And, individually, they do not even have a length. For a better understanding, figuratively imagine that these vectors are colored. They fit together. Obviously, at the place of their junction there should be something that distinguishes them from each other, otherwise, there is no sense in separation. Between the "color vectors" there are infinitely small black dots. In fact, these are also vectors, and sometimes they are much larger than color vectors. Let's call them “black vectors”. Black vectors are best represented as dots because they are narrowed. Black vectors decrease infinitely quickly on both sides in size. Accordingly, color vectors on both sides increase in size infinitely quickly. You probably already want to ask why black vectors never disappear and color vectors never connect? The fact is that they change their sizes only in conditions of relativity. Without relativity, scales do not exist, and the point continues to shrink infinitely long and infinitely quickly. The straight line also grows long and quickly. Another thing with the scale, when there is something to compare. Some combinations are faster, others slower. This phenomenon of two different behavior vectors defines two types of incompatible infinities. Infinite everything is a continuous expansion in the image of color vectors, and infinity is nothing, a continuous narrowing in the image of black vectors. Matter refers to color vectors, and your favorite, mysterious dark matter refers to black vectors. And this already explains the behavior of the universe in the form in which it is. What about the quantum world? Why do charged particles jump from one orbit to another? Why do not we see this movement? Why don't we see small universes there? Because black vectors become much larger than color ones in size. Do not confuse this with the space between the stars. Interstellar space, and interatomic are completely opposite. See figure. 2. Matter on a large scale behaves like vectors. On a small scale, matter behaves like points. By the way, in such miniature universes, time goes in the opposite direction. But, gradually it slows down, trying to go in the right direction. This is also an extensive topic, and in a nutshell it is impossible to answer all these questions. Just remember one thing. Everything that is connected with the nature of our existence is connected with vectors and their scales.

I can’t insert normal images here, so you have to play with your imagination.
<img src="gastro/bm.jpg">
The figure shows the options for the arrangement of vectors. 1 - extension of color vectors. 2 - Without movement. The vectors of narrowing are larger than the vectors of expansion (the incomprehensible quantum world) 3 - Without motion. Extension vectors are larger than narrowing vectors. (interstellar space). Important!! In cases 2 and 3, no changes occur, because all the gaps are the same, which means that there is no sequence in motion. But, it is worth making one point more than the others, immediately the relativity and direction of movement will appear.

Try to draw a straight line in black. We mark on it some sections in red, of completely arbitrary length and in random places. You will see the perfect model of an expanding universe, and the approaching galaxies. If the red vectors are taken as material, they will come closer to neighboring ones, faster than disconnect to black voids at the end of the line. Each of the colored vectors pushes not only itself, but also all the neighboring ones, creating a common combination with them (shown by blue lines). And, this is not because the void continues to infinity. I will disappoint you, for this emptiness we are just waiting for a replay. Another expanding universe, which is superimposed on millions of similar universes, and as a result, an elementary particle is formed, on an enormous scale, completely coinciding in behavior with our elementary particle, somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Our world in a fixed (finite) position has 3 dimensions. In motion, it has an infinite number of dimensions, because in motion absolutely everything is infinite. Please note that our esteemed scientists still cannot decide on the number of measurements. Then they have 4 dimensions, then 11, then endlessly. The question may follow, what if you draw a line in red and put black vectors inside it? Then everything will happen the other way around. The universe will begin to narrow, and the planets will push off. This does not coincide with the observations. So what? If this does not coincide with the observations, it only means that we are color vectors. And our reality is the reality of expansion. I am amused by the fact that scientists seriously tried to experimentally catch a particle of dark matter in the hadron collider. It cannot be caught, it can only be imitated. These are two independent systems. This is the same if, using a microwave oven, pump oil from the well. Therefore, in parallel with our world, there is a world where time goes in the opposite direction. But, we cannot touch him at more than one moment in time. There are also worlds inside and outside our world where time goes in the opposite direction. We are color vectors where darkness is the lack of information. But, even the lack of information among its presence, can create sequences. The best example is black letters on a white screen. Our brain perceives not the text itself, but the glow around it.

Now let's talk about the form. Why a tetrahedron? Even as many as 4 tetrahedra! Everything is simple. To depict the final representation of a manifold, it is enough to imagine a void. Now, imagine what can appear in this emptiness in the first place? Maybe a steam locomotive? Eiffel Tower? No. It should be something simple. A circle? Maybe. But, it occupies a whole plane. Maybe a line? Yes! Sure. There is nothing simpler than a line. What will be the next action? Another line from the same starting point. And another one. At equal distances from each other, the lines form a coordinate system in the form of a tetrahedron. And now, just imagine that all these lines were drawn simultaneously from both directions (because they appeared at infinity, in the absence of relativity). Thus, an inverse tetrahedron is formed from each side of the tetrahedron. To make it even clearer, I will say this: if there are two vectors starting from one point, then there is a sum of these vectors. And if the sum of the vectors appears before the vectors themselves or simultaneously with them, then the result of this sum is the inverse vectors, with the opposite direction. The same applies to all vectors of the initial tetrahedron. Why was the triangular pyramid originally made? Because it is the tetrahedron that is the simplest form in three-dimensional space of all possible. The smallest number of elements participated in its formation. I do not want to challenge the Poincare conjecture. It was proved for other conditions. From small spheres, you can make a tetrahedron, and from several tetrahedrons, you can make a sphere. Only, the rounding of the surface occurs over all measurements simultaneously, inside which you can draw individual lines or curves. It turns out that in the sphere there is no clear border separating one dimension from another. And if there is no border, then we have only one dimension. Let's not talk about sad things. I respect Grisha and see this as an alternative view.
<img src="gastro/20190926_193118.gif">
It's time to move on to the details. In general terms, we already know the form of diversity, and how it functions. Now, it is necessary to pass to the most important thing. Moreover, how these vectors are combined into algorithms, creating around everything that we see. To begin with, let's solve the problem and see if it is possible to write a program in which conditions are set for the entire movement. Is it possible to completely determine the outcome of an event? Formulating a task is far simpler than realizing it. However, remember the first rule of the “Tetrahedral matrix” theory. Nothing is impossible. Indeed, it is currently impossible to obtain full equality of complex and simple algorithms in existing processors (according to our will). I will describe the detailed process of strictly sequential execution of all algorithms. This task should be performed in a vector, tetrahedral processor with a pyramidal matrix.

The task is to build a computing system inside a figurative computing system. Four adjacent tetrahedral are a 1x1x1 matrix. This is enough to introduce n=2^(х-1) algorithms into it, where x is the number of vectors (faces). n=2^17 under continuity conditions (if it is possible to connect into one polyline). In real conditions, the maximum union is x/2=9, respectively n=256 (provided that each tetrahedron must be taken as a whole). It turns out 18 associations, each of which contains 2^8 algorithms. Algorithms are created by combining vectors in all sections of the polyline. Each combination has a different rate of variability. Imagine that the maximum speed belongs to the algorithms from A1 to A18.
<img src="gastro/VectorCo.jpg">
Spatial representation of vectors. This is a form of 4 adjacent tetrahedrons.
Vectors (in black) cannot be taken modulo since it will not be possible to determine the position of compound vectors (in red), compound vectors can be taken modulo, because nothing is attached to them. P.s. In the figure, the numbers in brackets are invisible vectors going inward.
arr1 main
arr2 additional

The set points for A1 and A2 should be logically “true, false”, but not arithmetic (division, multiplication, summation, subtraction). The result of this operation is A3. The algorithm is assigned standard values. Even the fulfillment of the condition “If A1 + A2 then A3” cannot be executed inside the matrix faster than during bool type execution bit by bit through char flags #define MASK (0-7), which responds quickly (although not instantly). This is probably the shortest period of time, of all possible, and is very close to 0, but not 0. Therefore, this condition cannot be completely predetermined. And, if in modern computers this method can only achieve constancy, then this does not mean that it is impossible to speed up the calculations. As the matrix increases, more complex conditions can be specified so that each combination from the spectrum n=2^(х-1) assigns a sequence of execution.

`int Vector1 = 1, Vector2 = 1, Vector3 = 1, Vector4 = 1, Vector5 = 1,`
`Vector6 = 1, Vector7 = 1, Vector8 = 1, Vector9 = 1, Vector10 = 1,`
`Vector11 = 1, Vector12 = 1, Vector13 = 1, Vector14 = 1, Vector15 = 1, Vector16 = 1, Vector17 = 1, Vector18 = 1;`

`vector<int> arr1[] = { {Vector1, Vector3, Vector2}, {Vector1, Vector4, Vector5},
{Vector1, Vector10, Vector12}, {Vector1, Vector16, Vector17}, {Vector2, Vector6,
Vector5}, {Vector2, Vector15, Vector13}, {Vector2, Vector18, Vector17}, {Vector3,
Vector4, Vector6}, {Vector3, Vector7, Vector9}, {Vector3, Vector16, Vector18}, {Vector4,
Vector10, Vector11}, {Vector4, Vector7, Vector8}, {Vector5, Vector12, Vector11},
{Vector5, Vector13, Vector14}, {Vector6, Vector15, Vector14}, {Vector6, Vector9, Vector8}

`Vector1 = Vector3 + Vector2;
Vector1 = Vector4 + (-Vector5);
Vector1 = Vector10 + (-Vector12);
Vector1 = Vector16 + (-Vector17);
Vector2 = (-Vector3) + Vector1;
Vector2 = Vector6 + (-Vector5);
Vector2 = Vector15 + (-Vector13);
Vector2 = Vector18 + (-Vector17);
Vector3 = Vector1 + (-Vector2);
Vector3 = Vector4 + (-Vector6);
Vector3 = Vector7 + (-Vector9);
Vector3 = Vector16 + (-Vector18);
Vector4 = Vector1 + Vector5;
Vector4 = Vector3 + Vector6;
Vector4 = Vector10 + (-Vector11);
Vector4 = Vector7 + (-Vector8);
Vector5 = (-Vector1) + Vector4;
Vector5 = (-Vector2) + Vector6;
Vector5 = Vector12 + (-Vector11);
Vector5 = Vector13 + (-Vector14);
Vector6 = (-Vector5) + (-Vector2);
Vector6 = (-Vector3) + Vector4;
Vector6 = Vector15 + (-Vector14);
Vector6 = Vector9 + (-Vector8);
Vector7 = Vector4 + Vector8;
Vector7 = Vector3 + Vector9;
Vector8 = (-Vector6) + Vector9;
Vector8 = (-Vector4) + Vector7;
Vector9 = Vector6 + Vector8;
Vector9 = (-Vector3) + Vector7;
Vector10 = Vector4 + Vector11;
Vector10 = Vector1 + Vector12;
Vector11 = (-Vector5) + Vector12;
Vector11 = (-Vector4) + Vector10;
Vector12 = Vector5 + Vector11;
Vector12 = (-Vector1) + Vector10;
Vector13 = Vector5 + Vector14;
Vector13 = (-Vector2) + Vector15;
Vector14 = (-Vector6) + Vector15;
Vector14 = (-Vector5) + Vector13;
Vector15 = Vector6 + Vector14;
Vector15 = Vector2 + Vector13;
Vector16 = Vector1 + Vector17;
Vector16 = Vector3 + Vector18;
Vector17 = (-Vector1) + Vector16,
Vector17 = (-Vector2) + Vector18;
Vector18 = Vector2 + Vector17;
Vector18 = (-Vector3) + Vector16;`

Algorithms consisting of continuously connected vectors, so that 2 adjacent tetrahedra are always formed in different positions.
<img src="gastro/PicsArt_09-18-12.41.21.jpg">
`А1 = (Vector15 + Vector6) + Vector14 + Vector13 + Vector5 + Vector4 + Vector3 + Vector2 + Vector1;
А2 = (Vector10 + Vector4) + Vector11 + Vector12 + Vector5 + Vector6 + Vector3 + Vector1 + Vector2;
А3 = (Vector12 + Vector5) + Vector11 + Vector10 + Vector4 + Vector6 + Vector2 + Vector1 + Vector3;
А4 = (Vector18 + Vector3) + Vector16 + Vector17 + Vector2 + Vector6 + Vector5 + Vector1 + Vector4;
А5 = (Vector18 + Vector3) + Vector16 + Vector17 + Vector2 + Vector6 + Vector4 + Vector1 + Vector5;
А6 = (Vector18 + Vector3) + Vector16 + Vector17 + Vector1 + Vector4 + Vector5 + Vector2 + Vector6;
А7 = (Vector1 + Vector3) + Vector2 + Vector17 + Vector18 + Vector9 + Vector8 + Vector4 + Vector7;
А8 = (Vector2 + Vector3) + Vector1 + Vector5 + Vector4 + Vector7 + Vector9 + Vector6 + Vector8;
А9 = (Vector2 + Vector3) + Vector1 + Vector5 + Vector4 + Vector7 + Vector8 + Vector6 + Vector9;
А10 = (Vector2 + Vector1) + Vector3 + Vector6 + Vector5 + Vector12 + Vector11 + Vector4 + Vector10;
А11 = (Vector3 + Vector1) + Vector2 + Vector6 + Vector4 + Vector10 + Vector12 + Vector5 + Vector11;
А12 = (Vector3 + Vector1) + Vector2 + Vector6 + Vector4 + Vector10 + Vector11 + Vector5 + Vector12;
А13 = (Vector1 + Vector2) + Vector3 + Vector4 + Vector6 + Vector15 + Vector14 + Vector5 + Vector13;
A14 = (Vector1 + Vector2) + Vector3 + Vector4 + Vector5 + Vector13 + Vector15 + Vector6 + Vector14;
A15 = (Vector1 + Vector2) + Vector3 + Vector4 + Vector5 + Vector13 + Vector14 + Vector6 + Vector15;
А16 = (Vector5 + Vector1) + Vector4 + Vector6 + Vector2 + Vector17 + Vector18 + Vector3 + Vector16;
А17 = (Vector5 + Vector1) + Vector4 + Vector6 + Vector3 + Vector16 + Vector18 + Vector2 + Vector17;
А18 = (Vector5 + Vector1) + Vector4 + Vctor6 + Vector2 + Vector17 + Vector16 + Vector3 + Vector18;`

The movement is carried out along the specified paths.
These movements must be mistaken for actions.
The sum of the vectors is a sequence that reflects a condition or decision.

The offset position of the vectors with dots in the center.
These are composite vectors consisting of half one and half other connected vectors.

`vector<int> arr2 [] =
Line14 = Vector1(0 … 0.5); Vector4(0 … 0.5); // range of numbers.
Line15 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0 … 0.5);
Line13 = Vector1(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0 … 0.5);
Line34 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector4(0 … 0.5);
Line117 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector17(0 … 0.5);
Line12 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0.5 … 1);
Line217 = Vector2(0.5 … 1); Vector17(0 … 0.5);
Line25 = Vector2(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0 … 0.5);
Line212 = Vector2(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0 … 0.5);
Line213 = Vector2(0.5 … 1); Vector13(0 … 0.5);
Line112 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0 … 0.5);
Line32 = Vector3(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0 … 0.5);
Line37 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector7(0 … 0.5);
Line315 = Vector3(0.5 … 1); Vector15(0 … 0.5);
Line316 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector16(0 … 0.5);
Line310 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector10(0 … 0.5);
Line410 = Vector4(0 … 0.5); Vector10(0 … 0.5);
Line411 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0 … 0.5);
Line416 = Vector4(0 … 0.5); Vector16(0 … 0.5);
Line45 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
Line47 = Vector4(0 … 0.5); Vector7(0 … 0.5);
Line512 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector12(0 … 0.5);
Line513 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector13(0 … 0.5);
Line517 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector17(0 … 0.5);
Line62 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector2(0 … 0.5);
Line63 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0.5 … 1);
Line618 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector18(0 … 0.5);
Line69 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector9(0 … 0.5);
Line615 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector15(0 … 0.5);
Line79 = Vector7(0.5 … 1); Vector9(0.5 … 1);
Line78 = Vector7(0.5 … 1); Vector8(0.5 … 1);
Line89 = Vector8(0.5 … 1); Vector9(0.5 … 1);
Line1012 = Vector10(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0.5 … 1);
Line1011 = Vector10(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0.5 … 1);
Line1112 = Vector11(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0.5 … 1);
Line1315 = Vector13(0.5 … 1); Vector15(0.5 … 1);
Line1314 = Vector13(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0.5 … 1);
Line1415 = Vector14(0.5 … 1); Vector15(0.5 … 1);
Line1617 = Vector16(0.5 … 1); Vector17(0.5 … 1);
Line1618 = Vector16(0.5 … 1); Vector18(0.5 … 1);
Line1718 = Vector17(0.5 … 1); Vector18(0.5 … 1);
Line63 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0.5 … 1);
Line64 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector4(0.5 … 1);
Line65 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
Line611 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0 … 0.5);
Line614 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0 … 0.5);
Line68 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector8(0 … 0.5);`

`// Conditions for performing arithmetic operations of vectors.
// Take the simplest task with a logical switch.
bool A1, A2, A3;
int n;
cin >> n;
if (n == 800)
A1 = true;
A1 = false;
if (A1)
cout << "A1 + A2";
cout << "A2 + A3";`

The program is as simple as possible in itself and will run veeery quickly, but if you implement it with additional fixing of constants, it will be even faster. Much faster. You can test the runtime of identical programs.

// Additional conditions for algorithms A1 and A2.
A1 = (Vector15 + Vector6) + Vector14 + Vector13 + Vector5 + Vector4 + Vector3
+ Vector2 + Vector1;
// If the vector is greater or less than 1, then use offset composite vectors.
if (Vector15 > 1 || Vector15 < 1) {

Line1415 = Vector14(0.5 … 1); Vector15(0.5 … 1);
Line615 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector15(0 … 0.5);

if (Vector6 < 1 || Vector6>1) {

Line615 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector15(0 … 0.5);
Line614 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector14 < 1 || Vector14>1) {

Line614 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0 … 0.5);
Line1314 = Vector13(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector13 < 1 || Vector13>1) {

Line1314 = Vector13(0.5 … 1); Vector14(0.5 … 1);
Line513 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector13(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector5 < 1 || Vector5>1) {

Line513 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector13(0 … 0.5);
Line45 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector4 < 1 || Vector4>1) {

Line45 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
Line34 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector4(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector3 < 1 || Vector3>1) {

Line34 = Vector3(0 … 0.5); Vector4(0; 0.5);
Line32 = Vector3(0.5; 1); Vector2(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector2 < 1 || Vector2>1) {

Line32 = Vector3(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0 … 0.5);
Line12 = Vector1(0.5; 1); Vector2(0.5; 1);
if (Vector1 < 1 || Vector1>1) {

Line12 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0.5 … 1);
Line14 = Vector1(0 … 0.5); Vector4(0 … 0.5);

А2 = (Vector10 + Vector4) + Vector11 + Vector12 + Vector5 + Vector6 + Vector3 + Vector1 + Vector2;

if (Vector10 < 1 || Vector10>1) {

Line1011 = Vector10(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0.5 … 1);
Line410 = Vector4(0 … 0.5); Vector10(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector4 < 1 || Vector4>1)

Line410 = Vector4(0 … 0.5); Vector10(0 … 0.5);
Line411 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector11 < 1 || Vector11>1) {

Line1112 = Vector11(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0.5 … 1);
Line411 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector11(0 … 0.5);

if (Vector12 < 1 || Vector12>1) {

Line512 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector12(0 … 0.5);
Line1112 = Vector11(0.5 … 1); Vector12(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector5 < 1 || Vector5>1) {

Line512 = Vector5(0 … 0.5); Vector12(0 … 0.5);
Line65 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector6 < 1 || Vector6>1) {

Line65 = Vector6(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
Line63 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector3 < 1 || Vector3>1) {

Line63 = Vector6(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0.5 … 1);
Line13 = Vector1(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0 … 0.5);
if (Vector1 < 1 || Vector1>1) {

Line13 = Vector1(0 … 0.5); Vector3(0 … 0.5);
Line12 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0.5 … 1);
if (Vector2 < 1 || Vector2>1) {

Line12 = Vector1(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0.5 … 1);
Line32 = Vector3(0.5 … 1); Vector2(0 … 0.5);

This concept allows you to get an answer immediately after the condition is met.

Even if the composite vectors are not equal to 1, they always tend to 1, just like the initial vectors, rapidly decreasing or increasing along the edges, but in their center, the information is stored continuously and mutually compensated by displaced sections, like bricks superimposed on each other giving shape precision.

Suppose we know the sequence of displacement of stable units. And, we need to embed arbitrary data in this sequence, which is a certain region of three-dimensional space. The problem is not in the basis decomposition, but in the representation itself. This vector on paper looks like a vector, but in a computer, it is an ordinary number that transmits only information about its coordinates. This is a point or several points. And I need to find the distance between these points, and not a lot of them. It cannot be represented not in the form of arrays not in the form of a loop. Is it possible to carry out point snapping simulating real vectors, and not their coordinates? I think yes. But, only with logical data types, and in the form of a one-dimensional array. Because, to assign the same values, in total it is impossible, if it is not written simply by a string of characters:

Vector1 = Vector3 + Vector2 = 1;
Vector2 = Vector3 + Vector1 = 1;
Vector3 = Vector1 + Vector2 = 1;

Therefore, the broken line can be straightened in a straight line (in this case, it does not matter).

<img src="gastro/Prin.jpg">

Sadly, to create a hold, in the absence of vectors is impossible. For this, it is necessary to encode all parts of the processor, and not just the memory cells of the address space, in anticipation of the electrons being transferred from one house to another. And yet, even in this form, ignoring the conditions Vector1 = Vector3 + Vector2 Vector2 = Vector3 + Vector1 ... Vector18 = Vector2 + Vector17, you can increase the speed of the switch by simply constructing algorithms A1, A2, A3 in the form of arrays and measure it.

unsigned int start_time = clock();
// A1 + A2 = A3
unsigned int end_time = clock();
unsigned int search_time = end_time - start_time;

The speed of the program before and after the conversion will change. I assure you, there should be a difference in favor of this method. This task does not carry any production value. Therefore, do not mock. If you are a good programmer or you have a good programmer friend and free time, just take note.
In this case, it is not the calculations that are optimized, but the retention. It is no secret that constants are not constant, they simply strive for constancy, like any other process that seems to be constant. This does not seem to be in a hurry to get angry. Only solve the problem with constancy, you can solve the problem with the calculations. Even if we are talking about millionths of a millisecond, this affects both the condition and the solution to the problem. Why does no one look at the optimization problem from the other side? Why endlessly increase the processing power of processors if all the processed data in it is not constant, and the software, in parallel, is always complicated and increases the load? Because in no other way. With this concept, the developers have perplexed themselves.

If you are skeptical of all of the above, I will not be surprised. I do not need to provide evidence of refutation of this or that fact indicated by me. This article does not set a goal to create a discussion. You can refute anything. To date, theories of simulation of the universe have already been put forward. However, the approach to their proof was not serious enough. I would even say he is not serious at all. People just discuss this between matters. At the time of September 2019, this is still more a philosophical than a scientific question. And, I would like to correct this misunderstanding. If you are interested in any questions regarding how specific observations fit in, which, in your opinion, contradict the concept of a tetrahedral matrix, or just something unsaid, I am ready to answer.
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Re: Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by h_k_s »

Nice rant Glaydon .

Did you also know that mathematics does not really exist?

Mathematics is only a figment of the imagination of humankind.

Humans use mathematics to count things, for starters, and then go on to build enormous assumptions and models from that starting point of counting.

But it still does not exist.

The herd of wildebeests does exist, on a plain that does exist, on a planet that does exist, in a solar system that does exist, in a galaxy that does exist, in a corner of the universe that does exist.

But the number of the herd is simply a notion in the minds of hominids, who also exist, but if who did not exist there would be no mathematics to describe the herd.
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Re: Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by Steve3007 »

Glaydon wrote:If you are skeptical of all of the above, I will not be surprised.
Yes. I think this part might be wrong:
Line45 = Vector4(0.5 … 1); Vector5(0.5 … 1);
Apart from that it's fine.
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Re: Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by NickGaspar »

-Why is everything moving in the universe?
- Due to Inertia.....
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Re: Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by Steve3007 »

NickGaspar wrote:-Why is everything moving in the universe?
- Due to Inertia.....
Yes, concentrating on the relatively philosophically interesting title of the OP and forgetting about the impenetrable text that follows it seems to me like a wise move.

Ultimately perhaps we could fall back on the good old Anthropic Principle. As you've implied, Newton's laws of motion are such that objects moving relative to each other is, on a Universal scale, the norm, even if everyday experience on the non-representative Earth's surface, with the constant presence of friction, sometimes suggests otherwise. That was Newton's insight which overthrew the ideas of Aristotle. If it were otherwise then there would be no motion and without motion there would not be such creatures as us to ponder the question in the OP.
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Re: Why is everything moving in the universe?

Post by NickGaspar »

Steve3007 wrote: October 27th, 2019, 5:18 am
NickGaspar wrote:-Why is everything moving in the universe?
- Due to Inertia.....
Yes, concentrating on the relatively philosophically interesting title of the OP and forgetting about the impenetrable text that follows it seems to me like a wise move.

Ultimately perhaps we could fall back on the good old Anthropic Principle. As you've implied, Newton's laws of motion are such that objects moving relative to each other is, on a Universal scale, the norm, even if everyday experience on the non-representative Earth's surface, with the constant presence of friction, sometimes suggests otherwise. That was Newton's insight which overthrew the ideas of Aristotle. If it were otherwise then there would be no motion and without motion there would not be such creatures as us to ponder the question in the OP.
You are correct. Way to many "problems" and straw-men in that " impenetrable text ". I tried to convert this "why" question to a meaningful "how come" one." Why" questions, most of the time, tend to imply meaning and purpose and that is not a fruitful way to investigate phenomena in nature.

Its really painful to see people ignoring the role of "labels" in science and as a result to accuse science/scientists for lies and conspiracies.
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