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If there is a God, why is there evil? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much needless suffering in the world, from natural disasters and such? Why would a loving God do this?I think you need to worry about considering whether or not there is a god first. If you can answer that question, all your other questions will make more sense (or less, as it were).
Bk2Kant wrote:My idea of what God is does not feed into this apparent contradiction. I think of God as the creater I think God developed us, gave us free will, and left us to our own ruin or prosperity. No need to think God is all good because God is all powerful (or at least more powerful than us...presumably)Yeah I'm pretty much in agreement with you on this one. Well put. Althogh I personally do believe God is all good, I'm with you all the way in terms of free will.
Floyd wrote:If there is a God, why is there evil? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much needless suffering in the world, from natural disasters and such? Why would a loving God do this?Maybe God doesn't care if God exists.
calenture9 wrote:Do we even exist? Why or why not?Floyd wrote:If there is a God, why is there evil? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much needless suffering in the world, from natural disasters and such? Why would a loving God do this?Maybe God doesn't care if God exists.
Floyd wrote:If there is a God, why is there evil? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why is there so much needless suffering in the world, from natural disasters and such? Why would a loving God do this?I'm not trying to persuade anyone to follow a certain religion, but here's my idea on this:
Tito wrote:The easy answer is that there is no God. I also do not believe in 'EVIL' per se but that can be for another topic.Some people don't. They think of evil as negative
captain_crunk wrote:We have to have a free will.Bk2Kant wrote:My idea of what God is does not feed into this apparent contradiction. I think of God as the creater I think God developed us, gave us free will, and left us to our own ruin or prosperity. No need to think God is all good because God is all powerful (or at least more powerful than us...presumably)Yeah I'm pretty much in agreement with you on this one. Well put. Althogh I personally do believe God is all good, I'm with you all the way in terms of free will.
MyshiningOne wrote: Do we even exist? Why or why not?Obviously we DO in fact exist otherwise we'd be unable to ask the question as to whether we exist or not. However as for proof that we exist, I don't know that we'll ever really prove it. Descartes was right on with the whole "I think therefore I am" thing. That's about as close to a definitive answer as we can get, I think.
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