Thank you for the clarification. That information is not incorporated into the requirements as published. The second part sounds very interesting and meaningful.
Kind regards
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Goodness Richman wrote: ↑December 19th, 2024, 11:44 am What do you do when you don't know what to do? If the best time to do a thing is now, but you're sick that doing it might be negative on your health. What would you do in these case scenariosHi, Goodness Richman,
Shirley Labzentis wrote: ↑December 7th, 2024, 7:37 pm I have recently come across quite a few ads for apps for AI usage. They guarantee that they are detection-free and no one can detect that your paper has been AI-generated. Do you think that this is true? I can spot an AI-generated review by just reading a few sentences. They are formatted the same way with basically the same verbiage. Don't you think that the more advanced the AI apps are, the more advanced the detection apps will be?Hi, Shirley Labzentis,
Judy Burr wrote: ↑January 2nd, 2025, 2:02 am Regarding the Guidelines;Hi, Judy Burr,
Since I have been an editor, I have wished the guidelines were numbered.
1. Editors could refer to the guideline by the number.
2. Reviewers would be more familiar with the list of guidelines if they were numbered.
Regarding the profanity instructions:
The instructions for typos (while reading a book) are understandable and written clearly.
The instruction for profanity has less instruction, causing more issues than typo listing.
The profanity should have the instruction to write the full sentence, like it is in the typo instructions.
Because editors do not have access to every book that is being reviewed, we sometimes cannot look up the passage with
profanity, to see how the word or phrase is used; and/or if it exists. A full sentence would be more verificable than just a single word, that the reviewer read the book. Making the profanity instructions match the typo instructions would make that helpful for the editors.
Barab Arzarki wrote: ↑January 2nd, 2025, 7:50 am Please explain this point in simple and summarised terms from the book In It Together:Hi, Barab Arzarki,
The first step to losing a needless fight is to choose to fight. The first step to becoming a slave to a feeling like hunger, anger, or fear is to think it has to be fought at all, to think that it has any true power over your choices at all.
Tush4Christ wrote: ↑January 1st, 2025, 11:44 pm I have a few questions for youHi, Tush4Christ,
1. What made you write a philosophical book? did you have any type of support while writing it?
2. I find the title quite timeless how did you arrive at the title of the book?
3. You have a mentoring program which means you believe in mentors, who is yours?
4. Are you married, divorced, or Separated?
5. When should readers expect another book from you and will it be on philosophy?
6. How do you treat people who disagree with your philosophical point of view?
Corinna Borsato wrote: ↑December 27th, 2024, 10:57 am I would like to ask an advice on how to manage efficiently one’s own finances during a starting period in terms of successful career. In particular, if it is wise to make noticeable cuts on expenses or, for the sake of one’s own happiness and wellbeing, not so much. Let me clarify, in everyday life, reasons wastes of money can be found in healthy food, gym subscriptions, etc. What is your experience on this?Hi, Corinna Borsato,
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