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Discuss the November 2022 Philosophy Book of the Month, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.

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I could not grasp the sentence "In that sense, you—the real you—are definitely not human because you possess something humans don't: definitive undeniable existence. "

I got confused between humans and me because I had a strong belief that I am a human. Hope you will help me get my confusion clarified.
This book is one of the most carefully written book I've ever read. The thought and wisdom that went into the writing can only be divine. The concept of the "Two Yous" opened my eyes to how I can overcome the challenges of living below how I was designed to live. I completely agree with everything in the book. Thank you Eckhart Hughes for this amazing book. I am currently going through the book again.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=586699
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (in the OP) wrote: January 19th, 2023, 3:04 pm Important Note: Before posting in this topic, please do make sure you have looked up any words or phrases with which you aren't familiar in the dictionary and/or encyclopedia. You can do this in seconds online using your preferred search engine (e.g. Google or DuckDuckGo).

Do you feel you understood every sentence in the book, In It Together? In other words, do you feel you understand what the author (me) meant by every single sentence in the book?

If not, please quote the very first sentence or very first paragraph you do not understand. Then I will do my best to explain and clarify what I meant by it.


When replying, please provide your best guess(es) about what you think the sentence probably means. Then, from there, I can let you know which of your guesses (if you have more than one) is correct or closest to correct and/or I can then, based on your guess(es), know what was missed or misunderstood to then know how to clarify it for you.

Sanju Lali wrote: November 24th, 2024, 11:24 am I could not grasp the sentence "In that sense, you—the real you—are definitely not human because you possess something humans don't: definitive undeniable existence. "

I got confused between humans and me because I had a strong belief that I am a human. Hope you will help me get my confusion clarified.

Hi, Sanju Lali,

Thank you for your reply. However, please follow all the instructions in the OP (Original Post). Namely, make sure you have first looked up any words or terms that are unfamiliar to you in the dictionary and/or encyclopedia, and then, if you still don't understand the sentence, include your best guess at the what the sentence means if you had to guess.

I can then confirm your best guess is actually right or clarify how it to make it right. In analogy, I cannot help someone play pin the tail on the donkey if my own eyes are closed too. I would have to see where you are to guide you on what changes you need to make and which direction you would need go to move from where you are to get to where you want to be. You telling me your best guess at what the sentence means if you had to guess is equivalent you telling me where you are now so I can then use that to tell you what direction to go and how far to get where you and I want you to be. :)

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Bertha Jackson wrote: January 25th, 2023, 2:54 pm I am sure the first time I read this book, I may have misunderstood some of the sentences. However, now that I have read it four times, I am sure I understand everything in your book. My understandings are insufficient to make me an expert on the topics, but I am comfortable with how I understand everything you wrote in your book. I continue to use it as an inspiration.
I must say my experience with the process of thoroughly understanding "In it Together" was similar. I went through the book several times, iteratively, until every connection and thinking process was clear. Indeed, this is my usual approach also academically, as I like to resolve my own understanding limitations.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=600598
Please explain this lines from the book in it together by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes in simple and summarised terms for me to understand:

The discontent person lacking inner peace will be discontent while drinking and while sober, and hence they are likely to bounce between the two in a cycle of misery. The discontent person lacking inner peace will be discontent while binge eating and while sticking to their diet; thus they are likely to bounce between the two in a cycle of misery, desperately trying to find the key to happiness or at least something to self-medicate them with a bit of comfort in their persistent misery, the misery of not having inner peace, of not being in a truly loving relationship with their selves over time and across space built on true conscious love.
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (in the OP) wrote: January 19th, 2023, 3:04 pm Important Note: Before posting in this topic, please do make sure you have looked up any words or phrases with which you aren't familiar in the dictionary and/or encyclopedia. You can do this in seconds online using your preferred search engine (e.g. Google or DuckDuckGo).

Do you feel you understood every sentence in the book, In It Together? In other words, do you feel you understand what the author (me) meant by every single sentence in the book?

If not, please quote the very first sentence or very first paragraph you do not understand. Then I will do my best to explain and clarify what I meant by it.


When replying, please provide your best guess(es) about what you think the sentence probably means. Then, from there, I can let you know which of your guesses (if you have more than one) is correct or closest to correct and/or I can then, based on your guess(es), know what was missed or misunderstood to then know how to clarify it for you.

Barab Arzarki wrote: January 1st, 2025, 12:43 pm Please explain this lines from the book in it together by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes in simple and summarised terms for me to understand:

The discontent person lacking inner peace will be discontent while drinking and while sober, and hence they are likely to bounce between the two in a cycle of misery. The discontent person lacking inner peace will be discontent while binge eating and while sticking to their diet; thus they are likely to bounce between the two in a cycle of misery, desperately trying to find the key to happiness or at least something to self-medicate them with a bit of comfort in their persistent misery, the misery of not having inner peace, of not being in a truly loving relationship with their selves over time and across space built on true conscious love.

Hi, Barab Arzarki,

Thank you for your reply. However, please follow all the instructions in the OP (Original Post). Namely, make sure you have first looked up any words or terms that are unfamiliar to you in the dictionary and/or encyclopedia, and then, if you still don't understand the sentence, include your best guess at the what the sentence means if you had to guess.

I can then confirm your best guess is actually right or clarify how it to make it right. In analogy, I cannot help someone play pin the tail on the donkey if my own eyes are closed too. I would have to see where you are to guide you on what changes you need to make and which direction you would need go to move from where you are to get to where you want to be. You telling me your best guess at what the sentence means if you had to guess is equivalent you telling me where you are now so I can then use that to tell you what direction to go and how far to get where you and I want you to be. :)

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: January 19th, 2023, 3:04 pm Important Note: Before posting in this topic, please do make sure you have looked up any words or phrases with which you aren't familiar in the dictionary and/or encyclopedia. You can do this in seconds online using your preferred search engine (e.g. Google or DuckDuckGo).

Do you feel you understood every sentence in the book, In It Together? In other words, do you feel you understand what the author (me) meant by every single sentence in the book?

If not, please quote the very first sentence or very first paragraph you do not understand. Then I will do my best to explain and clarify what I meant by it.


When replying, please provide your best guess(es) about what you think the sentence probably means. Then, from there, I can let you know which of your guesses (if you have more than one) is correct or closest to correct and/or I can then, based on your guess(es), know what was missed or misunderstood to then know how to clarify it for you.
Tush4Christ wrote: January 2nd, 2025, 12:53 am I find the title of the book timeless and intriguing. The title is a conversation starter and reading the book will help one understand what it's about. However, I am curious as to how you came about the title and do you agree to be in the struggle with everyone.
Hi, Tush4Christ,

This topic is not for posting "examples" of things you didn't understand.

It's only for posting verbatim quotes of the the very first sentence you didn't understand (i.e. the sentence closest to the beginning of the book).

Executive Assistant to Scott/Eckhart
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
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