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Discuss the November 2022 Philosophy Book of the Month, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.

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If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Ajiferuke Ajibola wrote: January 1st, 2025, 5:53 pm I am stuck and I don't know how to go about this. So I am just going to ask you...

How do I move forward in OBC?

My review was rejected and is not been accepted for a particular book. Is there any way you can help me?
Hi, Ajiferuke Ajibola,

Thank you for your question! :)

If you are having trouble with anything related to OnlineBookClub, including but not limited to the Review Team system at OnlineBookClub, then you will want to use the official contact form, which will send your message to the 24/7 customer support team at OnlineBookClub.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Barab Arzarki wrote: January 4th, 2025, 10:44 am I want to ask how will I realized there many aspects and still accomplish those part. I'm into a condition but what I thought wasn't exactly what I received from the condition I'm into. Now at the end of the mountain I received less of what I thought. How can fix it and the opportunity are limited.
Hi, Barab Arzarki,

Sorry, I don't understand your question at all.

It doesn't appear to be in fluent English. I'm not sure if that is due to typos (e.g. using speech to text) or such, or if you just don't speak English fluently. If it's the latter, please have a friend who is 100% fluent in English help you post your question.

Either way, when you re-post please do proofread it carefully to make sure it asks exactly what you want to ask in a very clear way so I can be sure to understand your question fully and accurately.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Alida Spies wrote: January 3rd, 2025, 11:03 am Hi Scott,

Can a process be designed to put daily tasks, e.g. mentoring activities, 3 edits per day, on hold for a period? If one ends up in a place where there is no Internet connectivity, it is impossible to complete the tasks. Everyone goes on holiday and some of us land up in hospital. I don't think the idea was to punish people for circumstances beyond their control.

Thank you
Alida Spies
Hi, Alida Spies,

Thank you for your question! :)

If you are having trouble with anything related to OnlineBookClub, including but not limited to the Review Team system at OnlineBookClub, then you will want to use the official contact form, which will send your message to the 24/7 customer support team at OnlineBookClub.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Brooks Maine wrote: December 22nd, 2024, 3:56 am I want your advice about finance and how to channel it into something more lucrative
Hi, Brooks Maine,

Thank you for your question! :)

I suggest putting 60% of most of your liquid investments (i.e. investment money) in major ETFs, such as those that track the S&P 500, such as SPLG. And put the other 40% in bonds via an ETF, such as BND or BKAG.
I suggest you either set up an automatic weekly transfer of at least $35 that deducts the money right from your paycheck and puts it into your investment accounts or set up a series of direct deposits and/or automatic transfers to make that happen, preferably making sure the $35+ per week never goes into your everyday checking account and never touches your hands as cash. From there, you can create auto-buys in your investment app (e.g. Robinhood) so that 60% of the $35 per week goes to the S&P 500 index and 40% goes to bonds.
$35 per week is only $5 per day, and even investing just that much will make you a millionaire in only 43 years, thanks to the mind-boggling power of exponents and exponential growth.
I've never met someone who truly cannot spare a measly $5 per day to become a millionaire.
It only costs $5 per day to become a millionaire, thanks to the mind-boggling power of compound interest (i.e. exponential growth).
Becoming a millionaire is a choice, and most people choose not to.
And that's fine. To each their own, I say. Live and let live.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

exponential growth-new.png
exponential growth-new.png (1.57 MiB) Viewed 1439 times

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Please what do you think about investing in land and other forms of property? For example, buying land and selling it off years later when the cost of the land appreciates. What about Forex? Apart from stocks, please could you give us some other channels or platforms for investment with good returns? Thank you.
Amy Jackson wrote: January 16th, 2025, 7:38 am Please what do you think about investing in land and other forms of property? For example, buying land and selling it off years later when the cost of the land appreciates. What about Forex? Apart from stocks, please could you give us some other channels or platforms for investment with good returns? Thank you.
Hi, Amy Jackson,

That question was already asked and answered earlier in the Q&A:

What are your suggestions for high-return investments and strategies to "make your money work for you"?

Moving forward, please do make sure to read all the previous Q&As before asking a new question to make sure the question hasn't already been asked and answered.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Alida Spies wrote: January 11th, 2025, 1:21 pm Do you have a testbed and a select group of users who test the Online Book club application before it gets released to everyone?

Kind regards
Alida Spies
Hi, Alida Spies,

Thank you for your question! :)

There is no "OnlineBookClub application" per se.

OnlineBookClub is a website, not an app.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Barab Arzarki wrote: January 3rd, 2025, 12:56 pm There's a particular point the book in it together which very interesting and it looks like it referring to me. Please explain further and what can you can you advise from such point:

The ego, flesh, and primitive urges may want to argue about the lies it tells you. So do not argue. You know the truth in your heart of hearts and in your godliest parts. The truth doesn't need your ego to believe in it. Your body's feelings don't need to match reality or match your choices. So let them be.
Hi, Barab Arzarki,

Sorry, I think you posted in the incorrect topic by accident.

Please post your above message in the following topic:

Did you understand every sentence in the book, "In It Together"? If not, what part did you first not understand?

When you post in the above topic, make sure to follow all the instructions in the first post of that topic about what to include (e.g. please provide your best guess(es) about what you think the sentence probably means). Make sure to only post the very first sentence that you don't understand, meaning the one that is closest to the beginning of the book.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

Alida Spies wrote: December 22nd, 2024, 1:50 pm You have stated that you're not religious. You also quote Bible passages in your book, "In It Together," more specifically things that Jesus said. The Bible is the basis of the Christian religion, but what does it mean to you?

Kind regards
Hi, Alida Spies,

Thank you for your question! :)

I appreciate the Christian Bible in the same way I appreciate the Greek myths.

I don't believe there was ever really a literal talking snake on Earth, or that there was ever literally a virgin birth, just like I don't believe there was ever literally a guy named Icarus who flew too close to the sun and burned his wings off, or literally a guy named Narcissus who fell in love with his reflection while looking in a pool of water and died as a result.

But I absolutely love some of these stories and the wisdom they impart.

One thing I love about Jesus and the New Testament is that, in it, Jesus presents almost all of his teachings as parables (i.e. myths). Even his original followers never believed his parables to be literally true.

Combine that with the fact that he was a law-breaking table-kicking rebel who deeply challenged and argued with the religion and religious leaders of his time, using logic, reason, and admittedly fictional parables to contradict the religion and religious authorities of his time, and it is no surprise I love most of his stories and teachings and overall message.

Keep in mind, Jesus wasn't Christian and neither was anyone who knew and followed him. He was a heretic who promoted messages and teachings like loving foreigners with different religions, such that a non-religious foreigner (i.e. a "Samaritan") could be very good and worth making into a role model while a devout rule-following member of one's own religion could be the very opposite.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

Christian Bible.png
Christian Bible.png (2.98 MiB) Viewed 1215 times

In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
I'm making this post with regards to your response to the question a mentee asked you about the Bible being a basis for Christianity and your take on the Bible.

I agree with what you said about Jesus not being a Christian. True, because how can He be anything else other than who and what He is?

However, I hope you won't hold it against me if I say I don't agree with most of your response on this? ☺️

If I were to ask you who Pluto, Socrates, Hippocrates or even Aurielus were, I'm sure you'll tell me who they were to a reasonable degree considering they had roots also in Philosophy too.

However, If I'd rather ask what their favorite food, their favorite thing to do or greatest desire were, would you say you know well enough about them in that respect to give me those details?

So, let me ask you this: generally speaking, how much of someone do one need to know to knowledgeably, authoritatively and rightly speak about them to others? What would inform such knowledge?

Finally, how is it that you said with certainty that Jesus was a rebel?

If someone refute certain opinions, actions and practices, would that make them a rebel?
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: January 16th, 2025, 9:35 am
But I absolutely love some of these stories and the wisdom they impart.

He was a heretic who promoted messages and teachings like loving foreigners with different religions, such that a non-religious foreigner (i.e. a "Samaritan") could be very good and worth making into a role model while a devout rule-following member of one's own religion could be the very opposite.
The core of religious texts are often twisted by few people with ulterior motives. I study about my own religious texts and look for explanations from reliable sources to understand the wisdom and values they aim to spread. I am reminded of the day when a similar question was posed to our teacher, she replied, that the day we truly understand the crux of the message in our religious texts, our questions will stop being about religion. I agree with your thoughts.

Something like the opening quote by Ram Dass in your book, "Words exist because of meaning. Once you've gotten the meaning, you can forget the words."
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=563160
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