Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
- Premium Member
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- Favorite Philosopher: Noam Chomsky
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
Just checking in, having been advised that I’m already on day 31! Glancing through the tables has a motivating effect and makes me feel that all things are possible with the correct mindset. I guess in relation to my own goal of being able to provide for my grandson into the future, is fear of failure.The fear of failing the english language course I’m currently taking because even altho’ I’m a native english speaker and must have passed on some level, albeit 55 yrs ago, the fear can be overwhelming at times. Perhaps its the fear of being responsible for the entire running of our home: 4 adults: one being a student: his mother a former addict, now clean but difficulty finding work and the other my husband 84 yrs old. On the difficult days I imagine them all going hungry if I was’nt around!
Don't get me wrong, they are all incredibly supportive of me in all the ways they can be, but it can be a strain when 4 people live on top of one another.
Managing my schedule for studying/work/reading and writing should be my first priority and today I’ll do just that and let you know how it progresses.
Sincerely Lorna.
PS, Hopefully what I write here will resonate with some of your mentees and assist them in achieving their own goals.
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑April 5th, 2023, 11:00 pm In case you don't know, I currently am running a free mentoring program that guarantees success.
In other words, I am offering my personal advice for free via a free mentoring program, and guaranteeing that anyone who follows my advice will achieve their goals. Part of the reason I can do that is because in addition to giving my advice I also help my mentees by sharing my huge audience and vast resources with them. Frankly speaking, I have a lot of money, connections, and resources to use to help people succeed at their goals, in addition to simply telling them how to do it. If you have not already, sign up for my free mentoring program now.
Regardless, to advise someone on how to reach a goal, I need to know both (1) the goal, and (2) where they are currently in relation to that goal.
For example, even if two different people's ultimate financial goal is the same (e.g. they both want to "become a millionaire"), the advice I would give to someone who is currently deep in debt is very different than the advice I would give someone who already has a net worth of $500,000. One of those two people wants to simply double their money, which isn't easy, but the other person needs to dig themselves out of debt and catch up to the first person before they even do the last round of doubling.
Likewise, the advice I would give someone who wants to "become a bestselling author" is very different if they have not even started writing a book versus if they already wrote a book that has sold many copies. It's different advice if they already have a publishing contract with a legitimate publishing company and have already developed a great product.
To give one more example, even if their goal weight was the exact same, the weight loss advice I would give someone who is 600 lbs is very different than the advice I would give someone who is 200 lbs.
The below level tables will make it easier for a person to communicate both (1) their starting position and (2) their goal items. They can quickly and easily use the below tables to tell me both (1) which level they are currently at and (2) which level is their goal.
Moreover, I believe even merely seeing the tables will in and of itself help many people already begin to see that path to their goal and the system and mindset I will be teaching them. By simply looking at the tables below, important fundamental concepts in my system get revealed, such as the concept of breaking big seemingly impossible goals into a series of very achievable steps.
Another thing the tables can show below is how far you already have come. For those who aren't at level 0, then they can see they are already often halfway there. That can be very motivating and inspire much deserved confidence. Falsely thinking you are way behind when you aren't is one way to needlessly quit the race when you still have much more than a fighting chance left. You might be a lot closer to your goal than you realize.
Yet another thing the tables will show is how achievable and realistic some huge goals are. Some seemingly unrealistic goals are actually very realistic. For example, saying one wants to make a million dollars or sell a million books might sound like a big lofty goal. Likewise, it might sound like I'm over-promising when I guarantee that you can do it by using my system. But, when you look at the below tables, you will see that such goals are only level 10 or level 11 out of 15 levels. In other words, even those seemingly big huge unrealistic goals are actually only 2/3rds of the way through the tables. They aren't unrealistic. They are quite realistic. You can achieve them with my system. I guarantee it.
Finally, another big value that these tables provide is in estimating timeframes. The timeframe per level can vary slightly by goal and starting level, but very roughly speaking I would say it typically takes 6 months to a year per level on average. So if you are at level 0 and want to go to level 5, that would probably take between 2 and 5 years, very roughly speaking. If you wanted to go from level 6 to level 7 (which is only one level), that would only take 6 months to a year, very roughly speaking. That's the higher end of the estimate; some goals can go much faster.
Regardless, I confidently believe I can make anyone into a millionaire, and anyone who follows my system can and will reach their goal weight, or become a bestselling author, or achieve any similar big goal in any field or industry. Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it with my system. I believe it so confidently that I have guaranteed it, in writing, repeatedly. As long your goal is no more 'crazy' or 'unrealistic' or seemingly impossible than becoming a millionaire, I will guarantee you can do it by following my system and using my free one-on-one personal mentoring.
I don't recommend making money your primary goal, but rather I give the idea of becoming a millionaire as an epitomizing example to understand how much you can achieve with my system. But, if money is your thing for some reason, then we can do that. Otherwise, I say figure out what you want even more than a million dollars, and make that your goal. You'll probably end up with both anyway, because, I've said before, when you chase your dreams instead of money, the money has a way of then chasing you. It's extremely intuitive when you think about it: Which artist's art would you rather buy? The artist who just paints because he wants money, or the one who paints because he loves it and feels some urge to bleed his soul onto the canvas? Who do you think is ultimately going to ultimately end up better off financially: (1) the money-addicted alcoholic who cares more about making a quick buck rather than getting their destructive alcoholism under control, or (2) the alcoholic who doesn't worry about the money and instead pours their heart and soul into getting sober? It's surprising intuitive; isn't it? Money chases those who don't sacrifice their true dreams to chase money.
But, even if money is your thing, then so be it; I can help you get all the money you want.
My system works for achieving any goal--be it financial, fitness, business, or otherwise.
The time-frame will vary depending on one's starting level. But I can get you from any level to any level, within one year per level or less. I have the system, I have the knowledge, I have the resources, and most importantly I have the eager willingness to share them all with you.
You can use the levels below to figure out how long it will take, and I am willing to 100% guarantee I can make it happen for you.
Level 0 -- Have not even started writing the outline or plot of the book.
Level 1 -- Wrote an outline and/or brief plot summary, but have not started writing the actual book.
Level 2 -- Started writing the actual book, but have not finished.
Level 3 -- Finished writing the first draft, but have not proofread it sufficiently yourself yet.
Level 4 -- Finished writing and proofreading the first draft, but have not yet had any beta-readers proofread it.
Level 5 -- Book has been proofread by beta-readers, but has not been professionally edited by a paid professional editor yet.
Level 6 -- Manuscript has been professionally edited by a paid professional editor, but a release date has not been set.
Level 7 -- Book has been published (or a release date has already been formally set by the publisher), but it has not sold any copies yet.
Level 8 -- Book has sold 0-99 copies.
Level 9 -- Book has sold 100-999 copies.
Level 10 -- Book has sold 1,000 - 9,999 copies.
Level 11 -- Book has sold 10,000 - 999,999 copies.
Level 12 -- Book has sold at least one million copies but less than ten million copies.
Level 13 -- Book has sold at least ten million copies but less than one hundred million copies.
Level 14 -- Book has sold at least one hundred million copies, but less than one billion.
Level 15 -- Book has sold one billion or more copies.
Level 0 -- 500 lbs or more away from goal weight.
Level 1 -- 400-499 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 2 -- 300-399 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 3 -- 200-299 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 4 -- 100-199 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 5 -- 76-99 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 6 -- 51-75 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 7 -- 26-50 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 8 -- 16-25 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 9 -- 5-15 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 10 -- Less than 5 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 11 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one week.
Level 12 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one month.
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than two months
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than six months.
Level 14 -- At goal weight range for between six months and one year.
Level 15 -- At goal weight range for over one year.
Level 0 -- Bedridden, can not walk.
Level 1 -- Can walk between 0 steps and 2,000 steps total per day.
Level 2 -- Can walk over 2,000 steps total per day, but not all at once.
Level 3 -- Can walk one mile (~2,000 steps) consecutively all at once without taking a break.
Level 4 -- Can jog 1/4th of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 5 -- Can jog one half of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 6 -- Can jog a whole mile.
Level 7 -- Can jog a mile in 12 - 13 minutes.
Level 8 -- Can jog a mile in 11 - 12 minutes.
Level 9 -- Can jog/run a mile in 10 - 11 minutes.
Level 10 -- Can jog/run a mile in 9 - 10 minutes.
Level 11 -- Can jog/run a mile in 8 - 9 minutes.
Level 12 -- Can jog/run a mile in 7 - 8 minutes.
Level 13 -- Can run a mile in 6.5 - 7 minutes.
Level 14 -- Can run a mile in less than 6 minutes.
Level 15 -- Can run 5 miles in under 30 minutes.
Please note, the first few levels involve push ups, not pull ups, since push ups are easier. Push ups can help indicate how close one is to being able to do a pull up.
Level 0 -- Unable to do a single push up (push up, not pull up).
Level 1 -- Can do at least one full push up, but unable to 10 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 2 -- Unable to do 25 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 3 -- Can do 25 push ups without stopping, but cannot do one pull up.
Level 4 -- Can do 1 pull up but not 2.
Level 5 -- Can do 2 pull ups but not 3.
Level 6 -- Can do 3-4 pull ups.
Level 7 -- Can do 5-9 pull ups.
Level 8 -- Can do 10-14 pull ups.
Level 9 -- Can do 15-19 pull ups.
Level 10 -- Can do 20-29 pull ups.
Level 11 -- Can do 30-39 pull ups.
Level 12 -- Can do 40-49 pull ups.
Level 13 -- Can do 49-74 pull ups.
Level 14 -- Can do 74-99 pull ups.
Level 15 -- Can do 100 or more pull ups.
(Note, the above template can easily be adjusted, especially at level 10 and beyond, to be for different related goals, such as doing weighted pull ups or doing muscle ups or doing one-armed pull ups.)
The same template applies to other similar addictive substances or habits such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, or even drinking soda.
Level 0 -- Get drunk every single day.
Level 1 -- Drink at least one drink every day but do not get drunk every day.
Level 2 -- Drank only 6 out of the last 7 days.
Level 3 -- Drank only 5 out of the last 7 days.
Level 4 -- Drank only 4 out of the last 7 days.
Level 5 -- Drank only 3 out of the last 7 days.
Level 6 -- Drank only 2 out of the last 7 days.
Level 7 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 7 days.
Level 8 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 14 days.
Level 9 -- Drank only 1 time in the last month.
Level 10 -- Have not had a drink in over a month.
Level 11 -- Have not had a drink in over two months.
Level 12 -- Have not had a drink in over three months.
Level 13 -- Have not had a drink in over six months.
Level 14 -- Have not had a drink in over one year.
Level 15 -- Have not had a drink in over two years.
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Over $100,000 in debt.
Level 1 -- Between $10,000 and $100,000 in debt.
Level 2 -- Between $1,000 and $10,000 in debt.
Level 3 -- Between $100 and $1,000 in debt.
Level 4 -- In debt, but less than $100 in debt; i.e. net worth is less than $0 but more than -$100.
Level 5 -- Net worth is $0 - $99.
Level 6 -- Net worth is $100 - $999.
Level 7 -- Net worth is $1,000 - $9,999
Level 8 -- Net worth is $10,000 - $99,999
Level 9 -- Net worth is $100,000 - $999,999.
Level 10 -- Net worth is $1,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 11 -- Net worth is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 12 -- Net worth is $100,000,000 - $999,999,999.
Level 13 -- Net worth is over one billion dollars.
Level 14 -- Net worth is over ten billion dollars.
Level 15 -- Net worth is over one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000+).
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Losing money.
Level 1 -- No income.
Level 2 -- Annual income is $1 - $99.
Level 3 -- Annual income is $100 - $999.
Level 4 -- Annual income is $1,000 - $9,999.
Level 5 -- Annual income is $10,000 - $24,999.
Level 6 -- Annual income is $25,000 - $49,999
Level 7 -- Annual income is $50,000 - $99,999.
Level 8 -- Annual income is $100,000 - $249,999.
Level 9 -- Annual income is $250,000 - $499,999.
Level 10 -- Annual income is $500,000 - $999,999.
Level 11 -- Annual income is $1,000,000 - $2,499,999.
Level 12 -- Annual income is $2,500,000 - $4,999,999.
Level 13 -- Annual income is $5,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 14 -- Annual income is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 15 -- Annual income is $100,000,000+. (Over one hundred million dollars per year.)
Useful Note: The above two tables for net worth and income can also be used for many other specific goals that are achievable with money. For example, if someone's number one top goal is to "buy a huge mansion", then we can simply measure their level by how much the mansion costs upfront to buy versus the person's net worth, and then also by measuring the annual carrying costs of the mansion against the person's annual income. The mansion example is just one example of infinite.
What do you think? Are the above tables helpful?
What is your primary goal? Does it fit into one of the above tables?
If you have a goal that is not listed above, please do reply to let me know, and I will generate a 15-level template specifically for your goal, which will surely help many others as well.
Thank you,
I think this is a good idea, and I will try as much as possible to set levels for myself, and regularly check my progress.
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
Thank you for sharing these level tables. They seem extremely helpful, although my number one goal does not seem to directly fit into any of them. However, my secondary goals fit perfectly, and I believe those will help me to reach my #1 goal.
Wishing you a wonderful day!
- CrisX
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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- Posts: 18
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- Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
You are right and I believe every single word you say. seeing the table for goals time frame has given me clarity and for once, I have confidence I am not starting from scratch. My aim is to:
1. Become a best seller.
2. Become a life coach.
3. Buy a house
4. Become financially independent and
5. Achieve inner peace and freedom.
I am confident that under your mentorship, these dreams are closer than I imagined.
I am a blind person and over the years, I had envisioned to ease people's pain and worries on a grand scale, but I lack the resources and financial muscles to do so. I wanted to have my website where I communicate with clients so lots of lives could be impacted. without the financial resources, I had to learn web development and become a full stack developer. I am now a full stack developer and I have hosted my websites. Two months after launching my websites, I found you on OnlineBookClub. I have learnt lots of lessons from OnlineBookClub, from tough scrutiny and critical reviews of my books. I remembered crying for almost an hour when my review was sent to me to resubmit three times in a row. Afterwards, I had to follow the feedback of the editors, memorize all the style guide, recite the profanity guide and every other guideline at least 5 times a day and that made the magic to happen. with sleepless nights, I can now read happily as reading is my passion and submit reviews with confidence. I am still in level 1, but I hope with the grit and the determination, I will sail through. As you indicated in your statement that if you do what you love, money will chase you and not the other way round is absolutely true. I hope to achieve what I have set out to do. I am in love with your signature "That virtue we appreciate is as much ours as another's. We see so much only as we possess." - Henry David Thoreau and your open letter. The open letter is very touching. I am still reading "In it together", I don’t want to rush it because, it contains lots of enlightened, spiritual, philosophical and depth of knowledge. I have made lots of notes, piled some questions for you and hopefully, it would be answered by you, Eckhart.
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
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Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
I have a goal that is not listed above. Please reply to let me know when you generate a 15-level template specifically for my goal. I hope it helps many others, too. My goal is to become an advertiser and make millions from it.Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑April 5th, 2023, 11:00 pm In case you don't know, I currently am running a free mentoring program that guarantees success.
In other words, I am offering my personal advice for free via a free mentoring program, and guaranteeing that anyone who follows my advice will achieve their goals. Part of the reason I can do that is because in addition to giving my advice I also help my mentees by sharing my huge audience and vast resources with them. Frankly speaking, I have a lot of money, connections, and resources to use to help people succeed at their goals, in addition to simply telling them how to do it. If you have not already, sign up for my free mentoring program now.
Regardless, to advise someone on how to reach a goal, I need to know both (1) the goal, and (2) where they are currently in relation to that goal.
For example, even if two different people's ultimate financial goal is the same (e.g. they both want to "become a millionaire"), the advice I would give to someone who is currently deep in debt is very different than the advice I would give someone who already has a net worth of $500,000. One of those two people wants to simply double their money, which isn't easy, but the other person needs to dig themselves out of debt and catch up to the first person before they even do the last round of doubling.
Likewise, the advice I would give someone who wants to "become a bestselling author" is very different if they have not even started writing a book versus if they already wrote a book that has sold many copies. It's different advice if they already have a publishing contract with a legitimate publishing company and have already developed a great product.
To give one more example, even if their goal weight was the exact same, the weight loss advice I would give someone who is 600 lbs is very different than the advice I would give someone who is 200 lbs.
The below level tables will make it easier for a person to communicate both (1) their starting position and (2) their goal items. They can quickly and easily use the below tables to tell me both (1) which level they are currently at and (2) which level is their goal.
Moreover, I believe even merely seeing the tables will in and of itself help many people already begin to see that path to their goal and the system and mindset I will be teaching them. By simply looking at the tables below, important fundamental concepts in my system get revealed, such as the concept of breaking big seemingly impossible goals into a series of very achievable steps.
Another thing the tables can show below is how far you already have come. For those who aren't at level 0, then they can see they are already often halfway there. That can be very motivating and inspire much deserved confidence. Falsely thinking you are way behind when you aren't is one way to needlessly quit the race when you still have much more than a fighting chance left. You might be a lot closer to your goal than you realize.
Yet another thing the tables will show is how achievable and realistic some huge goals are. Some seemingly unrealistic goals are actually very realistic. For example, saying one wants to make a million dollars or sell a million books might sound like a big lofty goal. Likewise, it might sound like I'm over-promising when I guarantee that you can do it by using my system. But, when you look at the below tables, you will see that such goals are only level 10 or level 11 out of 15 levels. In other words, even those seemingly big huge unrealistic goals are actually only 2/3rds of the way through the tables. They aren't unrealistic. They are quite realistic. You can achieve them with my system. I guarantee it.
Finally, another big value that these tables provide is in estimating timeframes. The timeframe per level can vary slightly by goal and starting level, but very roughly speaking I would say it typically takes 6 months to a year per level on average. So if you are at level 0 and want to go to level 5, that would probably take between 2 and 5 years, very roughly speaking. If you wanted to go from level 6 to level 7 (which is only one level), that would only take 6 months to a year, very roughly speaking. That's the higher end of the estimate; some goals can go much faster.
Regardless, I confidently believe I can make anyone into a millionaire, and anyone who follows my system can and will reach their goal weight, or become a bestselling author, or achieve any similar big goal in any field or industry. Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it with my system. I believe it so confidently that I have guaranteed it, in writing, repeatedly. As long your goal is no more 'crazy' or 'unrealistic' or seemingly impossible than becoming a millionaire, I will guarantee you can do it by following my system and using my free one-on-one personal mentoring.
I don't recommend making money your primary goal, but rather I give the idea of becoming a millionaire as an epitomizing example to understand how much you can achieve with my system. But, if money is your thing for some reason, then we can do that. Otherwise, I say figure out what you want even more than a million dollars, and make that your goal. You'll probably end up with both anyway, because, I've said before, when you chase your dreams instead of money, the money has a way of then chasing you. It's extremely intuitive when you think about it: Which artist's art would you rather buy? The artist who just paints because he wants money, or the one who paints because he loves it and feels some urge to bleed his soul onto the canvas? Who do you think is ultimately going to ultimately end up better off financially: (1) the money-addicted alcoholic who cares more about making a quick buck rather than getting their destructive alcoholism under control, or (2) the alcoholic who doesn't worry about the money and instead pours their heart and soul into getting sober? It's surprising intuitive; isn't it? Money chases those who don't sacrifice their true dreams to chase money.
But, even if money is your thing, then so be it; I can help you get all the money you want.
My system works for achieving any goal--be it financial, fitness, business, or otherwise.
The time-frame will vary depending on one's starting level. But I can get you from any level to any level, within one year per level or less. I have the system, I have the knowledge, I have the resources, and most importantly I have the eager willingness to share them all with you.
You can use the levels below to figure out how long it will take, and I am willing to 100% guarantee I can make it happen for you.
Level 0 -- Have not even started writing the outline or plot of the book.
Level 1 -- Wrote an outline and/or brief plot summary, but have not started writing the actual book.
Level 2 -- Started writing the actual book, but have not finished.
Level 3 -- Finished writing the first draft, but have not proofread it sufficiently yourself yet.
Level 4 -- Finished writing and proofreading the first draft, but have not yet had any beta-readers proofread it.
Level 5 -- Book has been proofread by beta-readers, but has not been professionally edited by a paid professional editor yet.
Level 6 -- Manuscript has been professionally edited by a paid professional editor, but a release date has not been set.
Level 7 -- Book has been published (or a release date has already been formally set by the publisher), but it has not sold any copies yet.
Level 8 -- Book has sold 0-99 copies.
Level 9 -- Book has sold 100-999 copies.
Level 10 -- Book has sold 1,000 - 9,999 copies.
Level 11 -- Book has sold 10,000 - 999,999 copies.
Level 12 -- Book has sold at least one million copies but less than ten million copies.
Level 13 -- Book has sold at least ten million copies but less than one hundred million copies.
Level 14 -- Book has sold at least one hundred million copies, but less than one billion.
Level 15 -- Book has sold one billion or more copies.
Level 0 -- 500 lbs or more away from goal weight.
Level 1 -- 400-499 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 2 -- 300-399 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 3 -- 200-299 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 4 -- 100-199 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 5 -- 76-99 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 6 -- 51-75 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 7 -- 26-50 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 8 -- 16-25 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 9 -- 5-15 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 10 -- Less than 5 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 11 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one week.
Level 12 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one month.
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than two months
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than six months.
Level 14 -- At goal weight range for between six months and one year.
Level 15 -- At goal weight range for over one year.
Level 0 -- Bedridden, can not walk.
Level 1 -- Can walk between 0 steps and 2,000 steps total per day.
Level 2 -- Can walk over 2,000 steps total per day, but not all at once.
Level 3 -- Can walk one mile (~2,000 steps) consecutively all at once without taking a break.
Level 4 -- Can jog 1/4th of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 5 -- Can jog one half of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 6 -- Can jog a whole mile.
Level 7 -- Can jog a mile in 12 - 13 minutes.
Level 8 -- Can jog a mile in 11 - 12 minutes.
Level 9 -- Can jog/run a mile in 10 - 11 minutes.
Level 10 -- Can jog/run a mile in 9 - 10 minutes.
Level 11 -- Can jog/run a mile in 8 - 9 minutes.
Level 12 -- Can jog/run a mile in 7 - 8 minutes.
Level 13 -- Can run a mile in 6.5 - 7 minutes.
Level 14 -- Can run a mile in less than 6 minutes.
Level 15 -- Can run 5 miles in under 30 minutes.
Please note, the first few levels involve push ups, not pull ups, since push ups are easier. Push ups can help indicate how close one is to being able to do a pull up.
Level 0 -- Unable to do a single push up (push up, not pull up).
Level 1 -- Can do at least one full push up, but unable to 10 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 2 -- Unable to do 25 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 3 -- Can do 25 push ups without stopping, but cannot do one pull up.
Level 4 -- Can do 1 pull up but not 2.
Level 5 -- Can do 2 pull ups but not 3.
Level 6 -- Can do 3-4 pull ups.
Level 7 -- Can do 5-9 pull ups.
Level 8 -- Can do 10-14 pull ups.
Level 9 -- Can do 15-19 pull ups.
Level 10 -- Can do 20-29 pull ups.
Level 11 -- Can do 30-39 pull ups.
Level 12 -- Can do 40-49 pull ups.
Level 13 -- Can do 49-74 pull ups.
Level 14 -- Can do 74-99 pull ups.
Level 15 -- Can do 100 or more pull ups.
(Note, the above template can easily be adjusted, especially at level 10 and beyond, to be for different related goals, such as doing weighted pull ups or doing muscle ups or doing one-armed pull ups.)
The same template applies to other similar addictive substances or habits such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, or even drinking soda.
Level 0 -- Get drunk every single day.
Level 1 -- Drink at least one drink every day but do not get drunk every day.
Level 2 -- Drank only 6 out of the last 7 days.
Level 3 -- Drank only 5 out of the last 7 days.
Level 4 -- Drank only 4 out of the last 7 days.
Level 5 -- Drank only 3 out of the last 7 days.
Level 6 -- Drank only 2 out of the last 7 days.
Level 7 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 7 days.
Level 8 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 14 days.
Level 9 -- Drank only 1 time in the last month.
Level 10 -- Have not had a drink in over a month.
Level 11 -- Have not had a drink in over two months.
Level 12 -- Have not had a drink in over three months.
Level 13 -- Have not had a drink in over six months.
Level 14 -- Have not had a drink in over one year.
Level 15 -- Have not had a drink in over two years.
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Over $100,000 in debt.
Level 1 -- Between $10,000 and $100,000 in debt.
Level 2 -- Between $1,000 and $10,000 in debt.
Level 3 -- Between $100 and $1,000 in debt.
Level 4 -- In debt, but less than $100 in debt; i.e. net worth is less than $0 but more than -$100.
Level 5 -- Net worth is $0 - $99.
Level 6 -- Net worth is $100 - $999.
Level 7 -- Net worth is $1,000 - $9,999
Level 8 -- Net worth is $10,000 - $99,999
Level 9 -- Net worth is $100,000 - $999,999.
Level 10 -- Net worth is $1,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 11 -- Net worth is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 12 -- Net worth is $100,000,000 - $999,999,999.
Level 13 -- Net worth is over one billion dollars.
Level 14 -- Net worth is over ten billion dollars.
Level 15 -- Net worth is over one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000+).
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Losing money.
Level 1 -- No income.
Level 2 -- Annual income is $1 - $99.
Level 3 -- Annual income is $100 - $999.
Level 4 -- Annual income is $1,000 - $9,999.
Level 5 -- Annual income is $10,000 - $24,999.
Level 6 -- Annual income is $25,000 - $49,999
Level 7 -- Annual income is $50,000 - $99,999.
Level 8 -- Annual income is $100,000 - $249,999.
Level 9 -- Annual income is $250,000 - $499,999.
Level 10 -- Annual income is $500,000 - $999,999.
Level 11 -- Annual income is $1,000,000 - $2,499,999.
Level 12 -- Annual income is $2,500,000 - $4,999,999.
Level 13 -- Annual income is $5,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 14 -- Annual income is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 15 -- Annual income is $100,000,000+. (Over one hundred million dollars per year.)
Useful Note: The above two tables for net worth and income can also be used for many other specific goals that are achievable with money. For example, if someone's number one top goal is to "buy a huge mansion", then we can simply measure their level by how much the mansion costs upfront to buy versus the person's net worth, and then also by measuring the annual carrying costs of the mansion against the person's annual income. The mansion example is just one example of infinite.
What do you think? Are the above tables helpful?
What is your primary goal? Does it fit into one of the above tables?
If you have a goal that is not listed above, please do reply to let me know, and I will generate a 15-level template specifically for your goal, which will surely help many others as well.
Thank you,
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- Posts: 16
- Joined: March 17th, 2024, 11:49 am
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
I have a goal that is not listed above. Please reply to let me know when you generate a 15-level template specifically for my goal. I hope it helps many others, too. My goal is to become an advertiser and make millions from it.Eckhart Aurelius Hughes wrote: ↑April 5th, 2023, 11:00 pm In case you don't know, I currently am running a free mentoring program that guarantees success.
In other words, I am offering my personal advice for free via a free mentoring program, and guaranteeing that anyone who follows my advice will achieve their goals. Part of the reason I can do that is because in addition to giving my advice I also help my mentees by sharing my huge audience and vast resources with them. Frankly speaking, I have a lot of money, connections, and resources to use to help people succeed at their goals, in addition to simply telling them how to do it. If you have not already, sign up for my free mentoring program now.
Regardless, to advise someone on how to reach a goal, I need to know both (1) the goal, and (2) where they are currently in relation to that goal.
For example, even if two different people's ultimate financial goal is the same (e.g. they both want to "become a millionaire"), the advice I would give to someone who is currently deep in debt is very different than the advice I would give someone who already has a net worth of $500,000. One of those two people wants to simply double their money, which isn't easy, but the other person needs to dig themselves out of debt and catch up to the first person before they even do the last round of doubling.
Likewise, the advice I would give someone who wants to "become a bestselling author" is very different if they have not even started writing a book versus if they already wrote a book that has sold many copies. It's different advice if they already have a publishing contract with a legitimate publishing company and have already developed a great product.
To give one more example, even if their goal weight was the exact same, the weight loss advice I would give someone who is 600 lbs is very different than the advice I would give someone who is 200 lbs.
The below level tables will make it easier for a person to communicate both (1) their starting position and (2) their goal items. They can quickly and easily use the below tables to tell me both (1) which level they are currently at and (2) which level is their goal.
Moreover, I believe even merely seeing the tables will in and of itself help many people already begin to see that path to their goal and the system and mindset I will be teaching them. By simply looking at the tables below, important fundamental concepts in my system get revealed, such as the concept of breaking big seemingly impossible goals into a series of very achievable steps.
Another thing the tables can show below is how far you already have come. For those who aren't at level 0, then they can see they are already often halfway there. That can be very motivating and inspire much deserved confidence. Falsely thinking you are way behind when you aren't is one way to needlessly quit the race when you still have much more than a fighting chance left. You might be a lot closer to your goal than you realize.
Yet another thing the tables will show is how achievable and realistic some huge goals are. Some seemingly unrealistic goals are actually very realistic. For example, saying one wants to make a million dollars or sell a million books might sound like a big lofty goal. Likewise, it might sound like I'm over-promising when I guarantee that you can do it by using my system. But, when you look at the below tables, you will see that such goals are only level 10 or level 11 out of 15 levels. In other words, even those seemingly big huge unrealistic goals are actually only 2/3rds of the way through the tables. They aren't unrealistic. They are quite realistic. You can achieve them with my system. I guarantee it.
Finally, another big value that these tables provide is in estimating timeframes. The timeframe per level can vary slightly by goal and starting level, but very roughly speaking I would say it typically takes 6 months to a year per level on average. So if you are at level 0 and want to go to level 5, that would probably take between 2 and 5 years, very roughly speaking. If you wanted to go from level 6 to level 7 (which is only one level), that would only take 6 months to a year, very roughly speaking. That's the higher end of the estimate; some goals can go much faster.
Regardless, I confidently believe I can make anyone into a millionaire, and anyone who follows my system can and will reach their goal weight, or become a bestselling author, or achieve any similar big goal in any field or industry. Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it with my system. I believe it so confidently that I have guaranteed it, in writing, repeatedly. As long your goal is no more 'crazy' or 'unrealistic' or seemingly impossible than becoming a millionaire, I will guarantee you can do it by following my system and using my free one-on-one personal mentoring.
I don't recommend making money your primary goal, but rather I give the idea of becoming a millionaire as an epitomizing example to understand how much you can achieve with my system. But, if money is your thing for some reason, then we can do that. Otherwise, I say figure out what you want even more than a million dollars, and make that your goal. You'll probably end up with both anyway, because, I've said before, when you chase your dreams instead of money, the money has a way of then chasing you. It's extremely intuitive when you think about it: Which artist's art would you rather buy? The artist who just paints because he wants money, or the one who paints because he loves it and feels some urge to bleed his soul onto the canvas? Who do you think is ultimately going to ultimately end up better off financially: (1) the money-addicted alcoholic who cares more about making a quick buck rather than getting their destructive alcoholism under control, or (2) the alcoholic who doesn't worry about the money and instead pours their heart and soul into getting sober? It's surprising intuitive; isn't it? Money chases those who don't sacrifice their true dreams to chase money.
But, even if money is your thing, then so be it; I can help you get all the money you want.
My system works for achieving any goal--be it financial, fitness, business, or otherwise.
The time-frame will vary depending on one's starting level. But I can get you from any level to any level, within one year per level or less. I have the system, I have the knowledge, I have the resources, and most importantly I have the eager willingness to share them all with you.
You can use the levels below to figure out how long it will take, and I am willing to 100% guarantee I can make it happen for you.
Level 0 -- Have not even started writing the outline or plot of the book.
Level 1 -- Wrote an outline and/or brief plot summary, but have not started writing the actual book.
Level 2 -- Started writing the actual book, but have not finished.
Level 3 -- Finished writing the first draft, but have not proofread it sufficiently yourself yet.
Level 4 -- Finished writing and proofreading the first draft, but have not yet had any beta-readers proofread it.
Level 5 -- Book has been proofread by beta-readers, but has not been professionally edited by a paid professional editor yet.
Level 6 -- Manuscript has been professionally edited by a paid professional editor, but a release date has not been set.
Level 7 -- Book has been published (or a release date has already been formally set by the publisher), but it has not sold any copies yet.
Level 8 -- Book has sold 0-99 copies.
Level 9 -- Book has sold 100-999 copies.
Level 10 -- Book has sold 1,000 - 9,999 copies.
Level 11 -- Book has sold 10,000 - 999,999 copies.
Level 12 -- Book has sold at least one million copies but less than ten million copies.
Level 13 -- Book has sold at least ten million copies but less than one hundred million copies.
Level 14 -- Book has sold at least one hundred million copies, but less than one billion.
Level 15 -- Book has sold one billion or more copies.
Level 0 -- 500 lbs or more away from goal weight.
Level 1 -- 400-499 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 2 -- 300-399 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 3 -- 200-299 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 4 -- 100-199 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 5 -- 76-99 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 6 -- 51-75 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 7 -- 26-50 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 8 -- 16-25 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 9 -- 5-15 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 10 -- Less than 5 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 11 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one week.
Level 12 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one month.
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than two months
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than six months.
Level 14 -- At goal weight range for between six months and one year.
Level 15 -- At goal weight range for over one year.
Level 0 -- Bedridden, can not walk.
Level 1 -- Can walk between 0 steps and 2,000 steps total per day.
Level 2 -- Can walk over 2,000 steps total per day, but not all at once.
Level 3 -- Can walk one mile (~2,000 steps) consecutively all at once without taking a break.
Level 4 -- Can jog 1/4th of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 5 -- Can jog one half of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 6 -- Can jog a whole mile.
Level 7 -- Can jog a mile in 12 - 13 minutes.
Level 8 -- Can jog a mile in 11 - 12 minutes.
Level 9 -- Can jog/run a mile in 10 - 11 minutes.
Level 10 -- Can jog/run a mile in 9 - 10 minutes.
Level 11 -- Can jog/run a mile in 8 - 9 minutes.
Level 12 -- Can jog/run a mile in 7 - 8 minutes.
Level 13 -- Can run a mile in 6.5 - 7 minutes.
Level 14 -- Can run a mile in less than 6 minutes.
Level 15 -- Can run 5 miles in under 30 minutes.
Please note, the first few levels involve push ups, not pull ups, since push ups are easier. Push ups can help indicate how close one is to being able to do a pull up.
Level 0 -- Unable to do a single push up (push up, not pull up).
Level 1 -- Can do at least one full push up, but unable to 10 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 2 -- Unable to do 25 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 3 -- Can do 25 push ups without stopping, but cannot do one pull up.
Level 4 -- Can do 1 pull up but not 2.
Level 5 -- Can do 2 pull ups but not 3.
Level 6 -- Can do 3-4 pull ups.
Level 7 -- Can do 5-9 pull ups.
Level 8 -- Can do 10-14 pull ups.
Level 9 -- Can do 15-19 pull ups.
Level 10 -- Can do 20-29 pull ups.
Level 11 -- Can do 30-39 pull ups.
Level 12 -- Can do 40-49 pull ups.
Level 13 -- Can do 49-74 pull ups.
Level 14 -- Can do 74-99 pull ups.
Level 15 -- Can do 100 or more pull ups.
(Note, the above template can easily be adjusted, especially at level 10 and beyond, to be for different related goals, such as doing weighted pull ups or doing muscle ups or doing one-armed pull ups.)
The same template applies to other similar addictive substances or habits such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, or even drinking soda.
Level 0 -- Get drunk every single day.
Level 1 -- Drink at least one drink every day but do not get drunk every day.
Level 2 -- Drank only 6 out of the last 7 days.
Level 3 -- Drank only 5 out of the last 7 days.
Level 4 -- Drank only 4 out of the last 7 days.
Level 5 -- Drank only 3 out of the last 7 days.
Level 6 -- Drank only 2 out of the last 7 days.
Level 7 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 7 days.
Level 8 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 14 days.
Level 9 -- Drank only 1 time in the last month.
Level 10 -- Have not had a drink in over a month.
Level 11 -- Have not had a drink in over two months.
Level 12 -- Have not had a drink in over three months.
Level 13 -- Have not had a drink in over six months.
Level 14 -- Have not had a drink in over one year.
Level 15 -- Have not had a drink in over two years.
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Over $100,000 in debt.
Level 1 -- Between $10,000 and $100,000 in debt.
Level 2 -- Between $1,000 and $10,000 in debt.
Level 3 -- Between $100 and $1,000 in debt.
Level 4 -- In debt, but less than $100 in debt; i.e. net worth is less than $0 but more than -$100.
Level 5 -- Net worth is $0 - $99.
Level 6 -- Net worth is $100 - $999.
Level 7 -- Net worth is $1,000 - $9,999
Level 8 -- Net worth is $10,000 - $99,999
Level 9 -- Net worth is $100,000 - $999,999.
Level 10 -- Net worth is $1,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 11 -- Net worth is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 12 -- Net worth is $100,000,000 - $999,999,999.
Level 13 -- Net worth is over one billion dollars.
Level 14 -- Net worth is over ten billion dollars.
Level 15 -- Net worth is over one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000+).
Amounts are in USD.
Level 0 -- Losing money.
Level 1 -- No income.
Level 2 -- Annual income is $1 - $99.
Level 3 -- Annual income is $100 - $999.
Level 4 -- Annual income is $1,000 - $9,999.
Level 5 -- Annual income is $10,000 - $24,999.
Level 6 -- Annual income is $25,000 - $49,999
Level 7 -- Annual income is $50,000 - $99,999.
Level 8 -- Annual income is $100,000 - $249,999.
Level 9 -- Annual income is $250,000 - $499,999.
Level 10 -- Annual income is $500,000 - $999,999.
Level 11 -- Annual income is $1,000,000 - $2,499,999.
Level 12 -- Annual income is $2,500,000 - $4,999,999.
Level 13 -- Annual income is $5,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 14 -- Annual income is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 15 -- Annual income is $100,000,000+. (Over one hundred million dollars per year.)
Useful Note: The above two tables for net worth and income can also be used for many other specific goals that are achievable with money. For example, if someone's number one top goal is to "buy a huge mansion", then we can simply measure their level by how much the mansion costs upfront to buy versus the person's net worth, and then also by measuring the annual carrying costs of the mansion against the person's annual income. The mansion example is just one example of infinite.
What do you think? Are the above tables helpful?
What is your primary goal? Does it fit into one of the above tables?
If you have a goal that is not listed above, please do reply to let me know, and I will generate a 15-level template specifically for your goal, which will surely help many others as well.
Thank you,
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- Posts: 13
- Joined: March 22nd, 2024, 4:40 pm
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
- Premium Member
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- Joined: April 1st, 2024, 5:57 am
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
- Premium Member
- Posts: 17
- Joined: November 3rd, 2023, 9:46 am
Re: Level Tables for Goals | Timeframes for achieving your goal via my free mentoring program that guarantees success
3. Making more than enough money for myself and my family
4. Know how to professionally deal with family problems
5. Traveling in style and luxuriously to and in countries not yet visited
I have the rest of my life time to achieve the above goals!
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