My book, In It Together, helps the willing reader to willfully reprogram their mind to be much more precise, peaceful, and conducive to happiness and incredible success, such as by doing one's best to let go of dangerous misery-inducing words like:
- must
- have to
- need to
- should
- ought
- try
If you want my advice, then I give you this: I recommend you do your absolute best to avoid saying or even thinking any of the above six phrases.
In the sense of destroying your happiness, and potentially making you depressed, willfully using words like those above are like the fire that destroys a beloved house. The fire is both the most noticeable symptom and the primary cause. Fire begets yet more fire. What causes the big fire is the small fire, and before that the tiny flame. It is the cause and the symptom.
The human mind is a narrative-making machine. Waking life is much, much, much more similar to a dream at night than most people realize. What you see--and even the concept of sight itself--is so much more of a figment of your mind's imagination than you probably realize.
Miserable people tell themselves miserable stories, and miserable stories make people more miserable. It's a feedback loop, like a spreading fire, or even a consuming cancer.
It's not just about happiness, because free-spirited happiness leads to success, not vice versa. So it's also about success--incredible success--in business, finance, family life, romantic relationships, and even fitness goals.
My book teaches you that you are not your mind, meaning you don't have to believe what the mind says, but my book also shows you how easily you can reprogram your mind, so that it can serve you rather than have you serve it, as if you were a slave, a prisoner in your own body. You can free yourself, your true self. You can free your spirit, meaning you can be free-spirited. And, then, you can reprogram your mind. It's much like swapping out parts in your car, or reformatting the hard-drive on your home computer.
As always, the choice is yours, and when it comes to your choices, you always get exactly what you want.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
Added on Edit:
- The Seventh Misery-Inducing Word: "too" | You are not too anything. You are perfectly enough of everything.
- Other misery induces phrases: "work hard"/"hard work"/"not easy", "not okay", "makes feel"/"makes me feel"/"forces me to to feel", "could have", "approve of"/"don't approve of", and "failure"/"fail".
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program, both for the free option and the paid option. If you follow the program but don't achieve your goal, you'll get your money back plus $100. For the free option, that means you will still get paid $100 if you don't achieve your goal using his free advice and free system.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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