Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

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Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
The admin formerly known as Scott
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Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

Post by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes »

If you haven't already, you can sign up to be personally mentored by Scott "Eckhart Aurelius" Hughes at this link.

I have never ever in my entire life paid even a penny in credit card interest.

I use my credit cards a lot. In fact, for most of my purchases and spending, I use one of my credit cards. But I pay off the balance in full every month before the due date, which means I do not have to pay any interest.

You can't change what's in your relative past.

If your younger self paid credit card interest, you cannot change that.

Likewise, if your younger self was very selfish and behaved selfishly in relation to you, meaning they did things to selfishly benefit themselves at your expense, then they may have likely stuck you with debt. They reaped the benefits of the spending and left you to foot the bill. It's effectively like they stole from you. They might as well have mugged you at gunpoint.

If that happened to you, I sympathize with you, but it's a common problem to have because humans are very selfish. They hurt others (namely their future self) with their selfish decisions. They do things to benefit themselves in their present at the unfair expense of others, namely the older version of the human they see in the mirror. Many call it being "short-sighted", but it's not short-sighted for the same reason it's not near-sighted to behave selfishly towards your neighbor across the street or towards your siblings. As my book explains, both are selfishness; one is spatial selfishness (i.e. selfishness towards your others across space) and the other is temporal selfishness (i.e. selfishness towards your others in time, namely your so-called future self).

Don't be surprised if your younger self probably behaved more childishly and immaturely than you will now. Embrace it.

Break the karmic cycle. Don't pay it forward. Don't selfishly do to your future self what your younger self selfishly did to you.

If a misguided dog bites you, will you go bite someone else? Don't stoop to the level of the beasts and the childish and the fools. Be unique. Be exceptional. Be a cycle-breaking free-spirit. Be the wall where karmic cycles slam against and end. Be where the cycles break. Pay the debt, and don't pay it forward.

If you have any credit card debt or any other high-interest debt on which you are paying interest, I so strongly recommend you make an absolute top priority of paying off that debt as fast as possible. Don't spend any money at all on alcohol, cigarettes, movies, clothes, dates, games, recreational activities, jewelry, gambling, or risky investments. Don't spend any money at all on soda or junk food. Don't spend any money on cable TV or video games. Not a penny. Cancel it all until that credit card debt is gone.

Aim to put at least half of your income directly towards your debt each payday. As soon as you get your paycheck, immediately put at least half if not more towards paying down that high interest debt.

You can get there by cutting every single line item in your budget by at least half. Eat half as much. Use half as much electricity. Drive your car half as much. Move into an apartment or house that's half the size of your current one. Spend half as much on anything that's necessary (e.g. food) and completely stop spending even a penny on anything unnecessary (e.g. jewelry, movies, recreational activities like bowling, etc.).

Many people falsely claim to have an income problem when they really have a spending problem. If you snapped your fingers and magically doubled the income of the average person in debt, that person would just end up twice as much debt.

Whether it's alcohol to an alcoholic, a ride to a casino for a gambling addict, a nice dinner for an overeating food addict, or more income for a temporally selfish shopaholic, as I've said before, The best way to destroy a person is to give them what they think they want.

For those who don't follow the teachings of my book (i.e. for those lacking self-discipline, a.k.a. spiritual freedom), the following rule of thumb holds true:

"More money, more problems."

You don't need to read my book to achieve extreme self-discipline (a.k.a. spiritual freedom). Many wise people follow my book's teachings despite never having even heard about my book, let alone read it. But for those people who don't yet have extreme self-discipline (a.k.a. spiritual freedom), reading my book and making the choice to follow all eleven of the infinitely easy-to-follow suggestions at the end is guaranteed to result in you immediately developing incredible extreme full-fledged self-discipline (a.k.a. spiritual freedom).

Then, what would be a curse to others (e.g. more money or more power) would be a blessing to you. You would have the qualities needed to be trusted with such things, meaning the wisdom and self-discipline, and from there you will find people are practically banging down your door to give you these things (e.g. more money and power).

When you follow the teachings of my book, the things others so desperately chase and claim to want but struggle to get, chase you.

It's like a heavy sword that prevents itself from being held by the weak.

If you are fit to hold it, it comes to you. It begs you to hold it. It jumps into your hand.

With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott


In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
My entire political philosophy summed up in one tweet.

"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."

I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.
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Re: Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

Post by Sushan »

Absolutely, I completely agree with your perspective. I used to be in the same boat, using credit cards and then scrambling to cover the debt each month, which really just perpetuated a never-ending cycle of debt. Now, like you, I've shifted my approach. I use my credit card very selectively, mainly when there's a discount or a compelling reason, and I make sure to pay with the cash I actually have. It's incredibly freeing not to let past decisions dictate my current and future financial health. By living within my means, I've not only eliminated debt but also significantly reduced my overall expenses. It's a more sustainable way to manage finances, ensuring that we're not burdening our future selves with the repercussions of past choices.
“There is only one thing a philosopher can be relied upon to do, and that is to contradict other philosophers”

– William James
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Surabhi Rani
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Re: Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

Post by Surabhi Rani »

This is another delightful and instructive post! We should be unique, exceptional, a cycle-breaking free spirit, be where the karmic cycles break. We should pay the debt, and not pay it forward. We should not selfishly do to our future selves what our younger selves did selfishly to us. Right now, I am reading the last part of your book, 'In It Together, ' the eleven numbered suggestions. So your explanations become all the more illustrative for me.
Daniel Obi 2
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Re: Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

Post by Daniel Obi 2 »

Sticking to a budget has not only helped me ditch the debt monster, but it's also kept my spending in check overall. It's like financial self-care – taking control of my money now so I'm not stressing about it later. This feels way more sustainable in the long run!
Henry Chude
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Re: Advice about credit cards: Do NOT ever pay a penny in credit card interest. If you have CC debt, pay it off ASAP!

Post by Henry Chude »

Paying credit card interest can be financially draining and should be avoided at all costs. Credit card interest rates are typically very high, often exceeding 20% annually, which can quickly turn a small debt into a significant financial burden. If you carry a balance month to month, interest charges accrue, making it harder to pay off the principal amount. Prioritizing the repayment of credit card debt should be a top financial goal to avoid this trap. By paying off your balance in full each month, you not only save money on interest but also improve your credit score, giving you better access to future credit opportunities at lower rates. In summary, avoiding credit card interest is a crucial financial strategy: clear your balances promptly and steer clear of debt traps to maintain financial health and stability.
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