Lack of confidence can be a comforting delusion.
An alcoholic is often comforted by saying, "I need to drink", versus saying, "I am choosing to drink".
The food addict trapped in the comfort zone is not merely comforted by overeating the food itself but also by the lies, "I have to eat. I can't stick to my diet."
The illusion of hopelessness can distract us from the power and responsibility of choice.
Embrace the discomfort of hope.
Embrace the discomfort of your self-responsibility (a.k.a. freedom).
Embrace the discomfort of the truth. In other words, eagerly and happily accept the often uncomfortable truth and reality.
Embrace the discomfort of being confident, brave, and spiritually free.
That is true happiness. That is invincible inner peace and unwavering spiritual fulfillment.
Nobody can take it from you, and nobody can give it to you. For better or worse, it is invincible to anything external. It is 100% in your control. It is your choice. Happiness and confidence is a choice.
Whatever you choose, I respect it, and I am happy you will get it; I am happy you you will get exactly what you choose.
Even when I see hell-wishers choosing to live in hell, I smile lovingly and think to myself, "Good for them; they are getting what they want, meaning what they choose."
I am not demanding that you choose happiness. I am just telling you that happiness is a choice.
With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott
In addition to having authored his book, In It Together, Eckhart Aurelius Hughes (a.k.a. Scott) runs a mentoring program, with a free option, that guarantees success. Success is guaranteed for anyone who follows the program.
"The mind is a wonderful servant but a terrible master."
I believe spiritual freedom (a.k.a. self-discipline) manifests as bravery, confidence, grace, honesty, love, and inner peace.