"Ask yourself this question: What stops me from unleashing the freedom and the power of my true authentic self?"
My answer: I have stopped me, for a long time, from unleashing the freedom and power of my true authentic self for many years. This was mainly a reaction to existence.
I enjoyed my solitude a lot growing up as I learned that I was able to be myself without being harshly criticized or judged. As I grew older, I developed many masks to hide behind. I buried myself in fantasy books until I found things about mind and spirit and psychology from various sources that empowered my awareness. I began to learn about actively choosing my paths, company, behavior, and lifestyle.
Being authentic began to dawn upon me, but this authenticity I found was not welcome even in my adult years in so many spheres. I realized, reading this book, that I had many masks that enabled my survival. Some were good, some so detrimental that they hindered my progress. However, as I have been courageously embracing my "angels and demons," I have been finding my peace. I have also been seeing more pieces to this unraveling by finding more people, books, and situations that align with my authentic path. So I am grateful beyond measure, for I know I am simply being truly me in my expression going forward; my unique path, and all the resources I need will continue to reveal themselves ( like this book and others related to this concept). I embrace my intuition and exercise it vigorously. I am growing to love everything, all the shadows and light and every inhale and exhale, for I acknowledge the divine play in the fabric of my existence