- December 14th, 2024, 9:43 pm
Spirituality has been long tied up with religion, most lately with the Abrahamic religions and their various imaginary gods, spirits, angels and demons. We know that the god of our religion is the right one because it hates the same people we do. The right god is the god of whatever religion we happen to have been indoctrinated into, usually as young children. And that is one of the ways in which we know that religion, and traditional religious spirituality, are nonsense.
Organized religion has caused untold misery for millennia. But I would not ban it even if I could. It would just go underground. It will take time, but religion and religious spirituality will have to be dealt with in the free marketplace of ideas. People themselves need to come to understand religion for what it is – a delusion. Only when enough humans understand this will humanity be able to free itself from the self-imposed chains of religion and traditional religious spirituality.
And once they do so, there is a naturalistic spirituality to turn to which serves them better and does not fly in the face of reason. If people want to be good, they will then do so simply because it feels good to be good, and because it makes sense to be good to one another, and not for reward or for fear of punishment in some imaginary supernatural afterlife. As more and more people come to understand the truth, organised religion and its evils will fall away.
Fortunately, the balance is shifting. In the 2021 census in Australia, for example, 38.9% of people said they l had no religion. I imagine that at the next census the number of non-believers will be greater than 45%. 20 years ago the figure was around 25%. I think the numbers of religious world-wide, and particularly in Western and Asian counties, will continue to fall away until the religious are a tiny minority. But the pace cannot be forced. It has to happen naturally as people gradually question religion themselves and eventually wise up, and then move to a naturalistic spirituality.
La Gaya Scienza