My present answers to these questions are too positive, going-on-arrogant – a sure sign I need to get the thoughts of my fellow truth-seekers.
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Please help me "most easily understand" your meaningI had in mind that a learner can start only from where she is in her enthusiasms. Therefore since science is the taste of the moment, it might be better to have science as the leader into learning.And by 'learning' I mean something quite grand. Not vocational skills although they do of course have their place, but 'learning' meaning raising of consciousnesses so that morality and beauty are learned as well as scientific facts.
How is God Involved in Evolution?
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Mark Victor Hansen, Relentless: Wisdom Behind the Incomparable Chicken Soup for the Soul
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Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness
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And so I conclude that no fact-checker can ever b[…]
By many principles earth and any viable habitat, […]
IMO. Your essay is a well-rounded opinion. However[…]