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Discuss the November 2022 Philosophy Book of the Month, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.

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In case you don't know, I currently am running a free mentoring program that guarantees success.

In other words, I am offering my personal advice for free via a free mentoring program, and guaranteeing that anyone who follows my advice will achieve their goals. Part of the reason I can do that is because in addition to giving my advice I also help my mentees by sharing my huge audience and vast resources with them. Frankly speaking, I have a lot of money, connections, and resources to use to help people succeed at their goals, in addition to simply telling them how to do it. If you have not already, sign up for my free mentoring program now.

Regardless, to advise someone on how to reach a goal, I need to know both (1) the goal, and (2) where they are currently in relation to that goal.

For example, even if two different people's ultimate financial goal is the same (e.g. they both want to "become a millionaire"), the advice I would give to someone who is currently deep in debt is very different than the advice I would give someone who already has a net worth of $500,000. One of those two people wants to simply double their money, which isn't easy, but the other person needs to dig themselves out of debt and catch up to the first person before they even do the last round of doubling.

Likewise, the advice I would give someone who wants to "become a bestselling author" is very different if they have not even started writing a book versus if they already wrote a book that has sold many copies. It's different advice if they already have a publishing contract with a legitimate publishing company and have already developed a great product.

To give one more example, even if their goal weight was the exact same, the weight loss advice I would give someone who is 600 lbs is very different than the advice I would give someone who is 200 lbs.

The below level tables will make it easier for a person to communicate both (1) their starting position and (2) their goal items. They can quickly and easily use the below tables to tell me both (1) which level they are currently at and (2) which level is their goal.

Moreover, I believe even merely seeing the tables will in and of itself help many people already begin to see that path to their goal and the system and mindset I will be teaching them. By simply looking at the tables below, important fundamental concepts in my system get revealed, such as the concept of breaking big seemingly impossible goals into a series of very achievable steps.

Another thing the tables can show below is how far you already have come. For those who aren't at level 0, then they can see they are already often halfway there. That can be very motivating and inspire much deserved confidence. Falsely thinking you are way behind when you aren't is one way to needlessly quit the race when you still have much more than a fighting chance left. You might be a lot closer to your goal than you realize.

Yet another thing the tables will show is how achievable and realistic some huge goals are. Some seemingly unrealistic goals are actually very realistic. For example, saying one wants to make a million dollars or sell a million books might sound like a big lofty goal. Likewise, it might sound like I'm over-promising when I guarantee that you can do it by using my system. But, when you look at the below tables, you will see that such goals are only level 10 or level 11 out of 15 levels. In other words, even those seemingly big huge unrealistic goals are actually only 2/3rds of the way through the tables. They aren't unrealistic. They are quite realistic. You can achieve them with my system. I guarantee it.

Finally, another big value that these tables provide is in estimating timeframes. The timeframe per level can vary slightly by goal and starting level, but very roughly speaking I would say it typically takes 6 months to a year per level on average. So if you are at level 0 and want to go to level 5, that would probably take between 2 and 5 years, very roughly speaking. If you wanted to go from level 6 to level 7 (which is only one level), that would only take 6 months to a year, very roughly speaking. That's the higher end of the estimate; some goals can go much faster.

Regardless, I confidently believe I can make anyone into a millionaire, and anyone who follows my system can and will reach their goal weight, or become a bestselling author, or achieve any similar big goal in any field or industry. Whatever your goal is, you will achieve it with my system. I believe it so confidently that I have guaranteed it, in writing, repeatedly. As long your goal is no more 'crazy' or 'unrealistic' or seemingly impossible than becoming a millionaire, I will guarantee you can do it by following my system and using my free one-on-one personal mentoring.

I don't recommend making money your primary goal, but rather I give the idea of becoming a millionaire as an epitomizing example to understand how much you can achieve with my system. But, if money is your thing for some reason, then we can do that. Otherwise, I say figure out what you want even more than a million dollars, and make that your goal. You'll probably end up with both anyway, because, I've said before, when you chase your dreams instead of money, the money has a way of then chasing you. It's extremely intuitive when you think about it: Which artist's art would you rather buy? The artist who just paints because he wants money, or the one who paints because he loves it and feels some urge to bleed his soul onto the canvas? Who do you think is ultimately going to ultimately end up better off financially: (1) the money-addicted alcoholic who cares more about making a quick buck rather than getting their destructive alcoholism under control, or (2) the alcoholic who doesn't worry about the money and instead pours their heart and soul into getting sober? It's surprising intuitive; isn't it? Money chases those who don't sacrifice their true dreams to chase money.

But, even if money is your thing, then so be it; I can help you get all the money you want.

My system works for achieving any goal--be it financial, fitness, business, or otherwise.

The time-frame will vary depending on one's starting level. But I can get you from any level to any level, within one year per level or less. I have the system, I have the knowledge, I have the resources, and most importantly I have the eager willingness to share them all with you.

You can use the levels below to figure out how long it will take, and I am willing to 100% guarantee I can make it happen for you.


Level 0 -- Have not even started writing the outline or plot of the book.
Level 1 -- Wrote an outline and/or brief plot summary, but have not started writing the actual book.
Level 2 -- Started writing the actual book, but have not finished.
Level 3 -- Finished writing the first draft, but have not proofread it sufficiently yourself yet.
Level 4 -- Finished writing and proofreading the first draft, but have not yet had any beta-readers proofread it.
Level 5 -- Book has been proofread by beta-readers, but has not been professionally edited by a paid professional editor yet.
Level 6 -- Manuscript has been professionally edited by a paid professional editor, but a release date has not been set.
Level 7 -- Book has been published (or a release date has already been formally set by the publisher), but it has not sold any copies yet.
Level 8 -- Book has sold 0-99 copies.
Level 9 -- Book has sold 100-999 copies.
Level 10 -- Book has sold 1,000 - 9,999 copies.
Level 11 -- Book has sold 10,000 - 999,999 copies.
Level 12 -- Book has sold at least one million copies but less than ten million copies.
Level 13 -- Book has sold at least ten million copies but less than one hundred million copies.
Level 14 -- Book has sold at least one hundred million copies, but less than one billion.
Level 15 -- Book has sold one billion or more copies.


Level 0 -- 500 lbs or more away from goal weight.
Level 1 -- 400-499 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 2 -- 300-399 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 3 -- 200-299 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 4 -- 100-199 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 5 -- 76-99 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 6 -- 51-75 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 7 -- 26-50 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 8 -- 16-25 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 9 -- 5-15 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 10 -- Less than 5 lbs away from goal weight.
Level 11 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one week.
Level 12 -- At goal weight range, but for less than one month.
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than two months
Level 13 -- At goal weight range, but for less than six months.
Level 14 -- At goal weight range for between six months and one year.
Level 15 -- At goal weight range for over one year.


Level 0 -- Bedridden, can not walk.
Level 1 -- Can walk between 0 steps and 2,000 steps total per day.
Level 2 -- Can walk over 2,000 steps total per day, but not all at once.
Level 3 -- Can walk one mile (~2,000 steps) consecutively all at once without taking a break.
Level 4 -- Can jog 1/4th of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 5 -- Can jog one half of a mile without stopping, and walk the rest.
Level 6 -- Can jog a whole mile.
Level 7 -- Can jog a mile in 12 - 13 minutes.
Level 8 -- Can jog a mile in 11 - 12 minutes.
Level 9 -- Can jog/run a mile in 10 - 11 minutes.
Level 10 -- Can jog/run a mile in 9 - 10 minutes.
Level 11 -- Can jog/run a mile in 8 - 9 minutes.
Level 12 -- Can jog/run a mile in 7 - 8 minutes.
Level 13 -- Can run a mile in 6.5 - 7 minutes.
Level 14 -- Can run a mile in less than 6 minutes.
Level 15 -- Can run 5 miles in under 30 minutes.


Please note, the first few levels involve push ups, not pull ups, since push ups are easier. Push ups can help indicate how close one is to being able to do a pull up.

Level 0 -- Unable to do a single push up (push up, not pull up).
Level 1 -- Can do at least one full push up, but unable to 10 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 2 -- Unable to do 25 push ups (push ups, not pull ups).
Level 3 -- Can do 25 push ups without stopping, but cannot do one pull up.
Level 4 -- Can do 1 pull up but not 2.
Level 5 -- Can do 2 pull ups but not 3.
Level 6 -- Can do 3-4 pull ups.
Level 7 -- Can do 5-9 pull ups.
Level 8 -- Can do 10-14 pull ups.
Level 9 -- Can do 15-19 pull ups.
Level 10 -- Can do 20-29 pull ups.
Level 11 -- Can do 30-39 pull ups.
Level 12 -- Can do 40-49 pull ups.
Level 13 -- Can do 49-74 pull ups.
Level 14 -- Can do 74-99 pull ups.
Level 15 -- Can do 100 or more pull ups.

(Note, the above template can easily be adjusted, especially at level 10 and beyond, to be for different related goals, such as doing weighted pull ups or doing muscle ups or doing one-armed pull ups.)


The same template applies to other similar addictive substances or habits such as smoking cigarettes, gambling, or even drinking soda.

Level 0 -- Get drunk every single day.
Level 1 -- Drink at least one drink every day but do not get drunk every day.
Level 2 -- Drank only 6 out of the last 7 days.
Level 3 -- Drank only 5 out of the last 7 days.
Level 4 -- Drank only 4 out of the last 7 days.
Level 5 -- Drank only 3 out of the last 7 days.
Level 6 -- Drank only 2 out of the last 7 days.
Level 7 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 7 days.
Level 8 -- Drank only 1 time in the last 14 days.
Level 9 -- Drank only 1 time in the last month.
Level 10 -- Have not had a drink in over a month.
Level 11 -- Have not had a drink in over two months.
Level 12 -- Have not had a drink in over three months.
Level 13 -- Have not had a drink in over six months.
Level 14 -- Have not had a drink in over one year.
Level 15 -- Have not had a drink in over two years.


Amounts are in USD.

Level 0 -- Over $100,000 in debt.
Level 1 -- Between $10,000 and $100,000 in debt.
Level 2 -- Between $1,000 and $10,000 in debt.
Level 3 -- Between $100 and $1,000 in debt.
Level 4 -- In debt, but less than $100 in debt; i.e. net worth is less than $0 but more than -$100.
Level 5 -- Net worth is $0 - $99.
Level 6 -- Net worth is $100 - $999.
Level 7 -- Net worth is $1,000 - $9,999
Level 8 -- Net worth is $10,000 - $99,999
Level 9 -- Net worth is $100,000 - $999,999.
Level 10 -- Net worth is $1,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 11 -- Net worth is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 12 -- Net worth is $100,000,000 - $999,999,999.
Level 13 -- Net worth is over one billion dollars.
Level 14 -- Net worth is over ten billion dollars.
Level 15 -- Net worth is over one hundred billion dollars ($100,000,000,000+).


Amounts are in USD.

Level 0 -- Losing money.
Level 1 -- No income.
Level 2 -- Annual income is $1 - $99.
Level 3 -- Annual income is $100 - $999.
Level 4 -- Annual income is $1,000 - $9,999.
Level 5 -- Annual income is $10,000 - $24,999.
Level 6 -- Annual income is $25,000 - $49,999
Level 7 -- Annual income is $50,000 - $99,999.
Level 8 -- Annual income is $100,000 - $249,999.
Level 9 -- Annual income is $250,000 - $499,999.
Level 10 -- Annual income is $500,000 - $999,999.
Level 11 -- Annual income is $1,000,000 - $2,499,999.
Level 12 -- Annual income is $2,500,000 - $4,999,999.
Level 13 -- Annual income is $5,000,000 - $9,999,999.
Level 14 -- Annual income is $10,000,000 - $99,999,999.
Level 15 -- Annual income is $100,000,000+. (Over one hundred million dollars per year.)

Useful Note: The above two tables for net worth and income can also be used for many other specific goals that are achievable with money. For example, if someone's number one top goal is to "buy a huge mansion", then we can simply measure their level by how much the mansion costs upfront to buy versus the person's net worth, and then also by measuring the annual carrying costs of the mansion against the person's annual income. The mansion example is just one example of infinite.

What do you think? Are the above tables helpful?

What is your primary goal? Does it fit into one of the above tables?

If you have a goal that is not listed above, please do reply to let me know, and I will generate a 15-level template specifically for your goal, which will surely help many others as well.

Thank you,

Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Hi Scott,

I wanted to start by saying that what you are doing is amazing. These levels are sure helpful, but at the same time, very overwhelming for me. That is because each level might take upto six months to a year. Considering I have three goals that fit into your tables above, I feel like I may take an eternity to get close to my end goal.

1) My dream is to become a best-selling author one day. That was how I landed on the OBC page and saw the reviewer option. I figured; it would be a great way to learn and hone my skills, somewhat like a practice round. I have many ideas floating in my head for the book but haven't narrowed it down to a specific one. So I will say I am at level 0 in that table.
2) Lose weight
3) Making money

I know by working on the first goal, I will also be moving closer to the third one.

I am a slightly shy and introverted person. So for me, it is a significant step to venture out of my comfort zone and write this much.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=507057
This is detailed.
I am also convinced that not easy comes fast. It takes time to build whatever that will endure.
“breaking big seemingly impossible goals into a series of very achievable steps.” This is the key to success.
I perfectly love the table.
Looking forward to the mentorship program.
Nisha DSouza,

Thank you for your reply! :)

Nisha DSouza wrote: April 6th, 2023, 2:33 am Hi Scott,

I wanted to start by saying that what you are doing is amazing. These levels are sure helpful, but at the same time, very overwhelming for me. That is because each level might take up to six months to a year. Considering I have three goals that fit into your tables above, I feel like I may take an eternity to get close to my end goal.
I think your comment helps illustrate why I would highly recommend anyone who wants to achieve these kind of goals first read my book, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All, which I think you have.

In the book, I often use the idea of a treadmill as both an example and an analogy, sometimes both at once. But one of my favorite philosophers, Albert Camus, might have said it best when he wrote, "One must imagine Sisyphus happy."

For the reasons explained in my book, the ultimate goal isn't and can't be to achieve all your goals so that you have no goals left and live in some goal-less and desire-less state where there is no work left to do.

As I write in the book (on page 4), "You cannot eliminate desire by fulfilling desire. Fulfillment causes desire and goals to be replaced, not eliminated."

The trick is to learn to love being on the treadmill, both literally if that's what you choose to do or figuratively otherwise.

Ironically, those of us who are best at achieving goals do so because we see those would-be goals as more like checkpoints on our endless journey, with our true goal being to enjoy the endless journey.

I actually own a literal treadmill. I often happily choose to sacrifice comfort by running on that treadmill, perhaps sometimes in large part out of love for my so-called future self, so that I can loving do my best to give him the gift of physical fitness, endurance, speed, and health.

I run far on the treadmill because I am happy when I run. The discomfort and pain makes me happy. I have the true happiness of free-spirited loving inner peace even while I sweat in physical pain and exhaustion. In fact, it's in part thanks to the pain and exhaustion. Loving sacrificing comfort is something that makes happy. I'm not just happy despite it; I'm happy thanks to it. I am happy to do the work not because it's hard and challenging but precisely because it is--especially when it is done out of love for someone, including my so-called future self (i.e. even older Scott).

That is to me an epitomizing example of what I meant in the book when I wrote (on page ): "True love is not sacrificing your happiness for another; true love is being happy to sacrifice."

If one is miserable, unhappy, and lacking inner peace on the treadmill (both the literal one and the metaphorical one), one will also tend to not run nearly as far. They will hit that stop button sooner to unhappily chase a different false idol. That is also why those lacking the consistent true happiness that is loving free-spirited inner peace will tend to also lack consistency and determination, and thus tend to not stick to long-term goals.

I say, don't be discouraged or overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite amount of work to do. I say, be thankful for it! Love the work, and love the journey, because it is indeed endless.

It doesn't matter what level you are at. You will tend to be just as happy with just as much or little inner peace at level 10 as level 1. One doesn't learn to practice gratitude by getting more grateful for. In fact, if anything, the opposite is true. All humans are on the addiction spectrum, but getting more only makes it more likely when will slip further towards the more addicted side of that spectrum.

As I wrote in the book (page 122), "If Sisyphus has inner peace and therefore enjoys rolling the ball up and down the hill as a sort of game, then he is in a heaven not a hell."

I think you will be surprised how high you can climb if you learn to love climbing. Then you become happy to realize the mountain has no real top, but rather it's one of infinite climbing.

I hope these comments of mine are helpful!

Please do let me know if you have any questions or thoughts about anything I've written here or in my book at any time. :)

Thank you,
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
Scott wrote: May 2nd, 2023, 3:23 pm
I say, don't be discouraged or overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite amount of work to do. I say, be thankful for it! Love the work, and love the journey, because it is indeed endless.

I think you will be surprised how high you can climb if you learn to love climbing. Then you become happy to realize the mountain has no real top, but rather it's one of infinite climbing.
Hi Scott,

Thank you for your response.

Firstly, I will confess that I haven't finished reading your book. Life got in the way, and no, that is not an excuse. But I read the part where you wrote about how the fulfillment of desires merely replaces them with new desires. I understand that and completely agree with you on that.

Your detailed response was very encouraging. The two paragraphs you quoted above particularly moved me. I only want to say that I am not overwhelmed by the work or the journey. I am an extremely hardworking person, and I put my all into what I do. Take, for instance, my journey with OBC. I joined in February this year, and I have worked on making myself better each day. You will not believe the number of hours I have spent each day. And I absolutely love doing it and seeing the progress. The physical exhaustion didn't bother me much because I was joyful at the small steps toward growth. So, I get it. What overwhelmed me was the time it would take to reach a huge milestone. But I realize that is where the table and small goals come in handy. It makes it easier to break it down into small, tiny steps. And the confidence you gain from achieving those will eventually build you up to the seemingly overwhelming milestones.

Thank you for taking the time to share your motivational thoughts. I will try what you have suggested. 😊🙏
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=507057
Hi Scott,

These tables are a great illustration of progress. Examining these tables, I've realized that I am closer to my goal than I had imagined. I have a few goals I want to accomplish before the end of my life.

1. Become a certified life coach.
2. Write a best-selling book.
3. Make enough money to support myself and my family.
4. Buy a house.
5. Start a family.
6. Maintain good health.
7. Balance my life.

These are several goals, but they relate to my overall goal of living my best life. I want to wake up excited to see what each day will bring.

Thank you for creating and executing this mentorship program, and I look forward to learning new things and expanding my knowledge.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=258740
These steps are great and very detailed. The only thing I think could use some input (and perhaps this comes later with your mentorship program) but what are the steps between the steps? How would one go from 100,000k in debt to merely 10k in debt? For some it’s as simple as “pay it off” but others would need more details guides.
This is more than what a hundred philanthropists can do in a year. It's an excellent plan. My main goal is to be able to make enough money to give my children a better future. I'd love to be able to be able to work to level 15. Currently I guess am at level 4 which is not a good place to be. Thank you so much for this.
Hi Scott,

This system is excellent. I can clearly see how you can break down each goal into levels, and help people see either that they are somewhat through part of their main goal, or at least a roadmap to start. The biggest thing is to want to start, and off you go.

I have the goal of writing and publishing a book (Level 7) and of course, I could aim higher to the amount of copies sold, but I trust that will come later. I feel that for me, it makes sense to focus on the "goal" as being finishing the book and going through the editing and publishing process. This makes it so much more achievable from the current level I am at (and makes it easier to remove any possible mental blocks to start).

I was at level 1 a few days ago (had a plot and idea, and shared it with a few people who were encouraging that it sounds great), but then after I spoke with you on your other forum and heard your thoughts on starting small (5-15 mins a day) it gave me the motivation I needed to just start. Thanks so much for that, Scott. So now, I am happy to say I am at level 2. I started writing 2 days ago and it actually seems a bit addictive in itself. Now my micro-goal within the goal will be to write every day consistently for 3 weeks.

I think what you are doing is incredible. I haven't actually signed up for your mentoring programme (yet), but I think it's a wonderful thing you are doing.

I see the time you spend and detail you go into when responding to questions from everyone. It's inspiring that it makes you happy to help others and share your influence and knowledge.

I will keep an eye on the steps for myself, but can see according to this it would take me at least 2 and a half years to go from level 2 to level 7. That does not seem unrealistic, but perhaps it will take a bit longer. I know the variable of time spent writing will go into it. It's great to have a rough idea either way though.

Thanks again! :)
I have reached Level 2 in writing
If I lose weight, I would probably die.
I make money every day but have a debt of around $15,000 that I have been paying $200 a month towards. The debt doesn't accrue interest.
Location: Oklahoma In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=498982
I can now view things more objectively thanks to this. Because I am not level 0, the levels table has helped me recognize that one of my goals is not as difficult as I had first thought. That is something I had never considered. This is useful.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=493331

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by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
November 2022

The Smartest Person in the Room: The Root Cause and New Solution for Cybersecurity

The Smartest Person in the Room
by Christian Espinosa
December 2022

2021 Philosophy Books of the Month

The Biblical Clock: The Untold Secrets Linking the Universe and Humanity with God's Plan

The Biblical Clock
by Daniel Friedmann
March 2021

Wilderness Cry: A Scientific and Philosophical Approach to Understanding God and the Universe

Wilderness Cry
by Dr. Hilary L Hunt M.D.
April 2021

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute: Tools To Spark Your Dream And Ignite Your Follow-Through

Fear Not, Dream Big, & Execute
by Jeff Meyer
May 2021

Surviving the Business of Healthcare: Knowledge is Power

Surviving the Business of Healthcare
by Barbara Galutia Regis M.S. PA-C
June 2021

Winning the War on Cancer: The Epic Journey Towards a Natural Cure

Winning the War on Cancer
by Sylvie Beljanski
July 2021

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream

Defining Moments of a Free Man from a Black Stream
by Dr Frank L Douglas
August 2021

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts

If Life Stinks, Get Your Head Outta Your Buts
by Mark L. Wdowiak
September 2021

The Preppers Medical Handbook

The Preppers Medical Handbook
by Dr. William W Forgey M.D.
October 2021

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress: A Practical Guide

Natural Relief for Anxiety and Stress
by Dr. Gustavo Kinrys, MD
November 2021

Dream For Peace: An Ambassador Memoir

Dream For Peace
by Dr. Ghoulem Berrah
December 2021

I am neither disrespectful towards nor saying […]

This quote is very much empowering as it dilutes a[…]

Having Trouble on this site

Quick reply worked w/o reloggin in

Lagayascienza wrote Most scientific writing, part[…]