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Discuss the November 2022 Philosophy Book of the Month, In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All by Eckhart Aurelius Hughes.

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I have invincible free-spirited inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness) because I don't have any unfulfilled expectations. I am invincibly and consistently fulfilled.

In contrast (and I say with loving acceptance), most humans are desperate, spiritually unfulfilled addicts who futilely chase fulfillment by endlessly chasing externals (e.g. money, fame, attention, sex, comfort, and similar emotional highs such as the high a food addict feels when eating or that an alcoholic feels when drinking). In other words, most humans are unfulfilled addicts who endlessly chase the ever-greener grass on the other side because they are futilely attempting to use greener grass to spiritually fulfill themselves when it never will and never can. In contrast, where an addict chases fulfillment, I am already invincibly fulfilled.

I can enjoy a glass of whiskey more than an alcoholic ever can because I am happy, truly happy, both before I drink it and after I lift up the glass and taste it. If I accidentally drop the glass, and never ever get a chance to have a drink again, I will still be happy, both before it falls and after. Since I have free-spirited inner peace and never have any unfulfilled expectations at all. My fulfillment is constant, invincible, and unconditional in relation to any externals including bodily feelings such as the high an alcoholic gets when drinking or a sex addict gets when having sex.

I can enjoy a tasty snack more than any desperate happiness-chasing food addict ever can, because I am happy both while I eat it and even before I lift that first bite to my mouth, whereas they are futilely chasing happiness with something that will never truly provide it, hence why they might be more prone to overeat until they feel literally physically sick, going from being spiritually unfilled and hungry to spiritually unfulfilled despite being sickeningly overstuffed with food. In the most important sense of the words, I am already satiated and fulfilled before I ever even that first bite. I enjoy the food more because I am enjoying it from a place of happy spiritual fulfillment, rather than using it in a desperate miserable attempt to medicate away the misery of being spiritually unfulfilled, meaning of lacking the true happiness that is free-spirited inner peace.

I can enjoy the pleasure of hitting a new personal record in the gym or the sense of accomplishment of sticking to my diet more than an unhappy person who foolishly and futilely uses such things in a desperate futile attempt to fulfill themselves ever can. If you attempt to use obtaining these things as a way to make yourself have true happiness and inner peace they will if anything do the opposite and make you more unhappy and lacking in inner peace. The more you attempt to spiritually fulfill yourself by consuming these kinds of things, the more empty and spiritually unfulfilled you will be. The more you figuratively eat of these things, the more you starve.

If I go on a date with a woman, or get into a relationship with her, I don't bring a clingy desperate jealous possessive energy to it, as if I was a miserable man with a blank space in his life that desperately needs to be filled for him to be happy, with the sad irony being that no amount of food, alcohol, romantic partners, sex, or any such externals will ever make that unfulfilled person happy and fulfilled.

Those are just a few tiny examples of infinite different props in the common human struggle uniting us all.

For some it's alcohol, food, finding the perfect marriage partner, or sex. For others it's gambling or maintaining an attractive youthful appearance. For some, it's attention or even fame. For others it's cigarettes or their local reputation and what the gossip is about them. The list of false idols is practically infinite. None of it will fulfill you. But the belief that it could will prevent you from actually having fulfillment, which you can have right now.

Fulfillment, true happiness, and invincible free-spirited inner peace are available to you right now. It costs nothing, it takes 0 minutes of time to achieve, and it is 100% in your control. Nobody can take it from you, and nobody can stop you from taking it for yourself or choosing to forgo it. Not even a literal god can come between you and this choice.

You don't need a guide, but if you want a guide, I am happy to be your guide, for free. I have walked this path myself, and I can give you a map to make it much easier for you so you can learn the hard lessons I have learned without having to go through the hardness I went through to learn them.

The irony is that even though money doesn't happiness, happiness buys money. Once you become graceful with happy free-spirited inner peace, with a grateful and empowering abundance mindset, suddenly achieving incredible external success becomes so ridiculously easy. Once you stop chasing these things so desperately with such a negative unhappy needy attitude, they stop running from you. Once you stop chasing them, they start chasing you. Happiness leads to external success, not vice versa.

Sign up for my free mentoring program at:


With love,
Eckhart Aurelius Hughes
a.k.a. Scott

I have invincible inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness) because I have no unfulfilled expectations.
I have invincible inner peace (a.k.a. true happiness) because I have no unfulfilled expectations.
expectations.png (597.18 KiB) Viewed 4188 times
Favorite Philosopher: Eckhart Aurelius Hughes Signature Addition: View official OnlineBookClub.org review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

View Bookshelves page for In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All
The idea that happiness begets external success, rather than the other way around, is a compelling shift in perspective. It's intriguing to consider that fulfillment doesn't stem from external achievements but from an internal state of peace and contentment. As you suggest, approaching life from a place of already being fulfilled can paradoxically bring about the very successes one might otherwise strive for. It's a reminder that the chase for external validation—be it through money, accolades, or relationships—often leads us further from the happiness we seek. True happiness, as an innate state, seems to naturally attract abundance. This resonates with me as it underscores the importance of cultivating a sense of inner peace as the foundation for any external pursuit.
In essence, the relationship between happiness and success is bidirectional but nuanced. While happiness can contribute to external success, it's also vital to prioritize intrinsic well-being, as true happiness extends beyond material gains and contributes to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.
This collective struggle serves as a unifying thread, connecting people across diverse backgrounds, cultures, and circumstances. It transcends individual narratives, fostering empathy and understanding as we navigate the complexities of life together. The recognition of shared challenges strengthens our sense of interconnectedness and cultivates a shared human resilience.
While money alone may not buy happiness, true happiness can have a profound impact on one's financial well-being. A person who is genuinely happy may be more motivated, creative, and resilient in pursuing their goals. This positive outlook can lead to increased productivity, better decision-making, and a greater likelihood of financial success.
Yes, while I agree with you that "happiness leads to external success", there is also the possibility that one cannot be truly happy with himself or herself without first achieving some level of success, for some people it might be external sucess for others it might be internal success.
With what you say here I can say that I'm then fufiiled too. I have learned years ago to be on my own, meaning that I'm happy with what I surround myself with. I don't need acceptance from anyone, I don't need to run after money or anything else for that matter. I might be in many ways seen as a hurmit by family and friends but that's ok. When I'm at home, doing the things that I love, I'm happy and nothing can excel that happiness.
Embracing happiness and a grateful abundance mindset can make achieving external success easier.

I understand that achieving success can be challenging, but now I honestly embrace happiness and gratitude.
Having a mindset of abundance and gratitude is a powerful source of positivity that has helped me with the way I perceive situations.
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=563160
When I was reading this I was picturing in my mind that if you are happy with yourself and marching to your own drummer or pied piper, then everyone and everything else will want to know what your secret is, so it will follow you. What you wanted for so long, but no longer "need" will now want to be with you to find out what your secret is and why you don't need them anymore.
Have an unfulfilled expectation is one of the worst things that could happen to anyone. I had to quit a good paying job to become a developer and I haven’t regretted my decision since then. Indeeed true happiness is an experience money will never give U
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=551553
Thank you! I agree with your perspective.
I have experienced situations where there has been loads of money being thrown around but people were still unhappy, searching for more( money, sex, drugs, food, affection, moments and the list goes on).

We humans tend to commonly search outside instead of within mostly if not entirely, missing the magic of life.

"The list of false idols is practically infinite. None of it will fulfill you. But the belief that it could prevent you from actually having fulfillment, which you can have right now."
Thank you for this, I also thank me for being there and showing up for myself as this is one of the most important relationships that is in a process of healing and development.

Thank you Mr Hughes for appearing on my path and yes I am beyond divinely blessed to walk beside you and learn from you, I appreciate you honing my abilities so that I live with absolute grace and gratitude 🙏
This experience is priceless, it reveals a liberating happiness that can be accessed right now but yet, will pave a way whereby money and the relevant resources flow through natural attraction ( the act of letting go of the chase and embracing the richness of the present).
In It Together review: https://forums.onlinebookclub.org/viewt ... p?t=508012

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