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Is Thinking 125 Years Ahead Practical or Impractical?

Posted: December 14th, 2024, 12:41 am
by Sushan
This topic is about the December 2024 Philosophy Book of the Month, Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science by Lia Russ

AI Prompt : Humans and Nature in harmony
AI Prompt : Humans and Nature in harmony
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This meant looking at the effect of their decisions for seven generations to come (about 125 years). Can you imagine? Referred to as 'The Seventh Generation Principle,' this was a pivotal piece of legislation!... Can you imagine what our world would look like, feel like, and smell like if our leaders considered the effects of the laws they passed on our environment for 125 years?
from Chapter 25, Connecting the Dots: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science by Lia Russ

According to the Haudenosaunee's Seventh Generation Principle, we need to consider the long-term effects on the environment while making decisions, particularly those involving energy, water, and natural resources. This approach ensures that even the generations who have not yet been born are considered because it plans 125 years in advance.

Usually, only four to five years before the next election, politicians develop plans and focus on short-term goals. The numerous negative consequences of this action will be borne by future generations. This highlights how crucial it is to prepare ahead of time and view the environment as a fellow living person with whom we coexist rather than as a resource that must be mastered.

But with nature's unpredictability and the rate of technological advancement, it appears almost impossible to plan for the next 125 years. Who could have anticipated the recent century's technical advancements or the swift impacts of climate change, for instance? A span of 125 years feels like an eternity when it comes to predicting the effects of today’s decisions.

Given these challenges, is it realistic or even possible to apply the Seventh Generation Principle and plan so far ahead? On what the current policies need to prioritise: immediate challenges or adopting a long-term perspective inspired by this principle?