So you don't consider anybody capable of being independent of the State and of their family? I think you're severely underestimating things when you say this, and even more greatly over-reaching when you say that prostitution destroys ALL families.
You've misunderstood. From a sociological perspective society will be the sum of various influences. I am suggesting that the continuance of a free society requires a sufficient quality of influence that comes from the nuclear family. It truly is the atom of a free society.
The nuclear family accepts obligations to each other as well as to society by bringing a new generation into the society capable of a quality of self respect necessary to adopt the obligations necessary for a free society.
A free society then has values that reflect the importance of the nuclear family one of which is the value of the bond between husband and wife. They both give influences to their offspring as well as to each other that if healthy, willingly adopt the obligations that assure our rights. One of these values is to value preserving the sex of the nuclear family over that of the sex of prostitution.
What? So a prostitute pleasuring a perfectly independent, single man in a consensual manner distant from the protected suburbs of your "nuclear family" is more threatening to freedom than a collective elite dictating what an individual can and cannot do in the privacy of his own home/motel room with another consenting adult?
Guys have been going into bars for years and will continue to do so for a little action even if he pays for it. The question is if we celebrate it.
If we legalize prostitution then we are celebrating sex without discretion.
We have lost the understanding of sex to the degree that we no longer appreciate essential differences between men and women and think them the same.
For example, it was always known that while it is natural for the male to impregnate whatever it finds desirable in body, it is the female to distinguish inner quality. A woman of a certain inner quality will not wish to breed with a man of lesser quality. The women that would breed with anything for money regardless of inner quality were called prostitutes. They were prostituting their potential to discriminate quality in exchange for money.
Women unable to discriminate quality but were just acting normally had nothing to prostitute other then societal morality. There would be a primary attraction to the wallet.
The incentive to glorify prostitution serves to devalue the psych of a woman capable of developing her inner discrimination. I doubt if even one out of a hundred young women have ever become aware of her potential importance of bringing quality into her society through her sexual discrimination. Yet producing quality serves not only to better the individual but serves also as a qualitative influence in society that can allow it to accept the obligations allowing it to remain free.
There's nothing essentially wrong with spending money on some good rump, The point is that society as well as individuals are always changing. So the question becomes how to value prostitution? Do we celebrate it by legalizing it or do we celebrate the unique nature of the nuclear family and the sacrifices it makes in order to preserve the atoms of a free society at the expense of public brothels the celebration of which devalue the nuclear family. I believe it is more advantageous to the psych of a free society to sacrifice the celebration of prostitution by legalizing it nationwide leaving it to the old fashioned way which is private agreements between men and women
Man would like to be an egoist and cannot. This is the most striking characteristic of his wretchedness and the source of his greatness." Simone Weil....Gravity and Grace